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buying a car

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 11:34 pm
by thesharpeningstone
In the dream I was on a on a new car lot ", I over heard two sales people talking about the sale an associate of theirs had made. He had sold a vehicle for several thousand dollars less than its listed price.

I looked around and thought I did not plan to come here, I was going to a used dealership on the other side of town. I went outside and called to see when the bus would come. I learned it was late and would be a couple hours. I called for a taxi but it also would take a long time. Then I saw the dealership sign, The sign said "Terra Nova Motors"
End of Dream

Keeping in mind vehicles usually represent ministry, please help with understanding.

Re: buying a car

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 8:49 am
by bella
Just curious why you think cars usually mean ministry? In my dreams they usually/always mean how I'm traveling in life or my work.

If you limit an interpretation to ministry you may not get the correct interp.