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Family treasures being sold ( i protest)

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 4:07 pm
by Jewels-inhisheart
In this dream i was in a house. There were alot of people init. In one room was my dad Roy ( who is not alive in real life). On tables were multiple items that i associated with elaborate Christmas decorations. People were buying them and i was upset because i considered them mine. I should have had firs choice before them being sold out to others. Their also among them were old Barbie toys that i sensed had been mine. I somehow was able to save or get a hold of some of these family treasures and claim them as my own. The dream went on but this is what stood out.

Re: Family treasures being sold ( i protest)

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 3:26 am
by loulou
Hi Jewels,

Does this dream flag any current issues for you?

I'm just guessing but it does sound like a heart matter. Um like you haven't been given the treasures that you're due, in the family arena.

With your dad being passed, it's easy to say it's not prophetic, but it could still be, because our loved ones are always with us in our hearts and memories and him showing up in a dream can be showing you that a future event could happen surrounding him.

Are you, in real life, seeking to get access physical things that you think you should have first option on?

What you describe is a real struggle that a lot of people go through when an estate is managed. It's a very painful time for a lot of people.

*edited to fix a typo

Re: Family treasures being sold ( i protest)

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 1:37 pm
by Jewels-inhisheart
No,,all family matters are settled. My dad left the house to my brother( its a dump) and it will be passed on to me. There is no money only a few pieces of furniture that i will get anyhow someday. My brother did give me by persuasion a family dresser that had been basically abandoned in the basement. My daughter did have a dream of receiving a Christmas present from my dad( in the dream he was alive) and init was APPEAR BLUE STAR. Im not sure if the two dreams are related,.