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library conservetory renovation

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 1:56 pm
by spiritledd
i was with dude who was on painkillers and ran out ...he asked if i would help with money to get more ...and so i did, but on condition he would share ...then i was in a library, and librarian asked me to help out, so i did ...there was a huge red wool blanket that was really thick, and i pulled it down over all the stairs/seats (library had seats like church) ...this library was also a conservatory for classical music ...we were renovating it, but preserving its historical value ...i was asked to take hearing test ...i put headphones on and there was music and whispers ...i was asked to pick out the whispers among the music ...i heard...either "to" or "too" or "two" and "more" ...i took headphones off, and had blood on my right ear ...then i came up with idea to wash blanket by folding it and using a hose ...i was telling someone that we were preparing the building for the glory of The Lord to return ...he did not believe it was for that purpose ...then they were going to let me go, but i said... hey, i was the first employee to start this project they let me stay on ...then as i woke i heard Holy Spirit say... "library" and "dancing"