Dreams before walking with the Lord

Archived Dreams from 2017
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Dreams before walking with the Lord

Post by peggy347 »

I had a BIG dream in my early 20's before I walked with the Lord. I'm in my 60's now but the dream is still vivid and much of it has come to pass. It was a dream about many highways in the city I live. The dream was at a time when our city only had one highway and no talk of others being built. Since then all of the highways in my dream have been built and one is in the process right now! The dream also had mass destruction to the entire city and few survivors (I was one). I don't understand why the Lord would give me this dream, especially before I was walking with Him. Does anyone have any idea why God would do this? I have never met anyone whom I thought the Lord would want me to share in detail my dream so it has really perplexed me all these years. Maybe it was just for my benefit? Any thoughts?

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Re: Dreams before walking with the Lord

Post by bjcollin »


For your consideration... some times city's can represent our lives. In your 20's you had many different paths that could be chosen even before you came to know Jesus. God is eternal, in the past he is there, in the future he is there, in the present he is here, he is in all of eternity all at the same time looking at it. He knew before you were saved that you would be saved so it was not a surprise to Him. Many times we will experience dreams all the time for many many years... the most often thing I have found with dreams like that whether it involves houses or city's or roads or etc.. is that the dream is mainly about the dreamer and his/her walk with the Lord which is a life long journey. Hope this helps to explain some.
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Re: Dreams before walking with the Lord

Post by mystified_chozeh »

god's words and his visions can be quite entertaining. and that's okay because it's part of what intrigues us to begin to seek him. he provokes us. Jeremiah 33.3 comes to mind. other than that, I-35 and I-94 intersect at Minneapolis, MN if my memory serves me. remind yourself that his gifts and his promises are without repentance. things he showed me in the 80's when i was going to sleep each night to what we then called hard rock and roll come to mind. all of the things that he showed me back then have been solid, rock solid. he's never taken any of it away, no matter how bad i've been. what he said then, when i didn't understand, still stands firm today. i'm still amazed and sometimes it breaks me down to the point that i scream at him why, and what was he thinking when he chose an idiot like me.
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Re: Dreams before walking with the Lord

Post by peggy347 »

Thank you bjcollin. I had never thought of the highways being paths in my life. With that insight I will definitely be seeking the Lord for new revelation and direction.

mystified_chozeh - It is amazing when we contemplate why in the world would God choose us, when we've messed up so much, have been so foolish and we are all so ignorant when it comes to things of our Maker. But that's what draws us closer to Him. It's the foolish and weak of this world that He chooses to use to confound the wise. What a blessing He has chosen YOU.