Todd Bentley

Archived Dreams from 2017
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Todd Bentley

Post by FeastofTrumpets »

Last night I had a dream I was with Todd Bentley. Even though the dream seemed to go on for quite a period of time there are only a few details that I seem to remember so if my explanation seems to be lacking in details this is why. For a period of time we were walking and talking, I don't remember where we were walking or what we were talking about, I seem to remember that we were in someone's house and the color brown because everything was a wood finish. I also remember large trees as if we could have actually been in what would be considered a giant tree house.

The part of the dream I remember more clearly is when he decided he needed to rest and we went to his house and he went and laid down in his room but I was allowed to come to his bedside and continue to talk to him. The theme of our conversation seemed to revolve around him encouraging me and sharing stories and insight and that sort of thing. When he came to lay down in his room someone was already there resting as well. In the dream I seemed to know that the person represented two people, first his wife, and the second thing the resting person represented was someone who was resting from all the hard work of helping put on revival meetings.

As I chatted with Todd I got a sense of happiness and contentment from him and I felt happy to be there as well as he was putting his focus on encouraging me. At one point I asked him how he managed to build a nice piece of furniture in his room and he told me it had to do with "priestly powers" and he mentioned a few of his friends who had that ability as well. I remember catching a glance of the washroom in Todd's house and there was a really long bathtub and I remember thinking that it could be used by someone who was 12 feet tall.

As I was hanging out with Todd a few people started coming into the room and the topic of the bathtub came up because apparently something was wrong with it like it had a leak or something. While they were talking I felt like there was something important that I needed to share with Todd which was a piece of real life information. What I wanted to share with him was that by the guiding of the Holy Spirit I had gone and visited all the towns in British Colombia that he did during his early days of ministry, including the towns in the north. I didn't have a chance to share before I woke up.
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Re: Todd Bentley

Post by FeastofTrumpets »

One last detail I remembered! At one point he prophesied over me. I don't remember what he said but I actually remember feeling a sense of shift, breakthrough and the power of God while it happened.