Breaking wind (ahem!)

Archived Dreams from 2018
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Breaking wind (ahem!)

Post by kingnme »

Our son and his wife have been estranged from us due to sum misunderstandings/disagreements mainly coming from our DiL....

It has been going on since (technically) 2009 but really strong in the last 2 months

Prayed cried prayed cried..

Last night dreamt we were all as in
hubby ..son ..DiL..our other two in there somewhere...

We were all sitting together...I sat next to my DIL
And ..suddenly I broke out into this breaking wind ...???


I looked around and looked at her...


It was getting RIDICULOUS!!!!

I'm trying to see if she notices ANYTHING....

I tried the usual : Suppresion

So after awhile we ended up in this huge huge stadium

Noticed different groups of people going forward to present to the crowd something mainly like a song
So then it was our turn...I took my shoes off and thot guys go ahead....I'm staying here

Now IRL you wud give me a check
in the report card box:


So I awoke

When I awake I have this habit of speaking over my dreams opposite of what i dreamt about

ie in the dream if I stuck angry over something that I shud forgive quickly

Wen I awake I wud say :


So wen I awoke I spoke out loud and sed you are going to participate
Any thots??7
Now why dost thou cry out aloud? is there no king in thee? micah 4:9
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Re: Breaking wind (ahem!)

Post by PastorJKG »

Seems to say that the power to rectify the disagreement and bring reconciliation by releasing something pent up and letting it go will be the key. This will need to be followed up with participation and pursuit of unity. It may not happen all at once. It may be a drawn out process.

Hope this helps
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Re: Breaking wind (ahem!)

Post by kingnme »

thank you so much......

this speaks VOLUMES to say the least....

in other words ...THAT is PROOF that i HATE for bitter issues to continue on and on

i PREFER to be the one to release (ahem! if you will)

okay just picture this :

one can "hold their liquor" whereas others choke on just the smell of the proof alone !!!

I WUD be the LATTER mother raised me and she was one that cuddnt stand the condition of the " silent treatment "

you HAD TO OPEN UP on the matter to get the thing OUT and dispersed into truth's atmosphere

and of course i was taught that but my DIL the silent treatment?? hmmPh! :roll: doesn't bother her the least to go on for weeks silent....

well obviously NOT for me...its "GOTTA! come out" somewhere....

thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. im also old enuff to know its not EVERYONE that you can reason with and you just have to leave well enuff alone!

its ...unfortunate ! it seems to point out that... this too may resolve in this fashion ...but my granddaughter :( (our first one at that!!)
Now why dost thou cry out aloud? is there no king in thee? micah 4:9
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Re: Breaking wind (ahem!)

Post by bjcollin »

This is new for a flatulence dream, I like it, still praying for your situation to be resolved.

in Christ,