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The Fire Alarm in the Office Building

Posted: Mon May 27, 2019 11:38 am
by iluvyahweh
Hello dreamers, any godly insight would be much appreciated. Blessings, ILY.

I was in an office building, on the 5th floor. I was standing at a Board on the wall, a white-board. I think I was drawing something on the board, or explaining something. Next, everyone started leaving the fifth floor, and the building. It was a fire alarm, but there were no actual alarm sounds. It occurred without warning.

I made my way across the fifth floor. The walls were glass looking out onto the internal atria, with lots of sunlight streaming in. (This reminded me of my actual office in Edinburgh.) I made my way downstairs, and people were leaving for the exits. There seemed to be a lot of panic, and people were struggling to get out in time.

As I came down to the second floor, I noticed a flight of stairs going down. I took these stairs and I somehow ended up in the recreation centre of my High School building.

Next, I was outside, and I was back at my old High School. I was walking across the playing fields outside it, and it was a bit muddy.

As I continued walking, I was then walking on some roads in Edinburgh. Lots of people were congregating in the streets. I heard a radio or TV announcement saying that 35 people had died in the fire in the Office Building that I was in.

Dream End.