Dreamt of girl, then see in real life

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Dreamt of girl, then see in real life

Post by Christian14 »

So- I dream of a little girl, comes up to my chest, she is bald, wearing glasses and a white head band. She has cancer. I first see her on the internet with an actor who does alot of charity work for cancer treatment. He is helping her and her family. Dream shifts and I'm talking to them. The girl asks me about my son, Jordan. (Jordan had cancer and died). In my.mind in the dream, I done want to tell her that he died because I didn't want to scare her or take away her hope. I start to cry and walk away. The actor tells her that Jordan died. The little girl follows me into another room and gives me a hug.

Next day, I'm on FB. A friend posted a picture of a girl- who looks ALOT like the girl from my dream. I prayed for the little girl.

Question- what does this mean?
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Re: Dreamt of girl, then see in real life

Post by bjcollin »

Pray and intercede for the girl. Prophetic intercession is a gifting and calling where the Lord will wake you up and show you a person to pray for or He puts a person on your heart to pray for, and then you pray for them as the Lord leads.
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Re: Dreamt of girl, then see in real life

Post by Christian14 »

Update, my friend contacted me and stated that the picture was old, the girl is now 17. So, I am puzzled.
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Re: Dreamt of girl, then see in real life

Post by bjcollin »

Many times people in dreams will be shown as younger than they really are. It does not mean that they don't need the prayer intercession support. Maybe the cancer is threatening her again, we do not know. Or maybe it is something as simple as there are other circumstances in her life that need prayer right now, again we do not know. The prompting to pray was there to pray, so you prayed. Many times in intercession they will use the term continue to pray until the Lord gives you release to stop praying. Many times in intercession we will not ever know the circumstances and what is going on between the individual we are praying for and the Lord. If we know the individual, sometimes we will know more or less about what is going on with them, but again many times we do not know the circumstances and/or we do not know the individual and to be frank, it really is not any of our business unless the Lord allows it. For purposes of intercession, we are not called to know, but we are called to pray.

So are you an intercessor or has the Lord called you to pray for people in this matter before? Many times there is an art to prophetic intercession and many people are called and it is up to us to respond to that call. Then as we are faithful, the Lord will show us more and use us more in intercession. Hope this helps, If you need me to point you to some good prophetic intercession books, just let me know.
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Re: Dreamt of girl, then see in real life

Post by Christian14 »

Thank you. And please send me some book recommendations. And prayers for me...backsliding, which makes me feel like crap. Hypocritical.
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Re: Dreamt of girl, then see in real life

Post by bjcollin »

The recommended books that I have read on Intercessory Prayer:

1. Intercessory Prayer: How God Can Use Your Prayers To Move Heaven and Earth - Dutch Sheets
2. Prophetic Intercession: Unlocking Miracles and Releasing the Blessing of God - Barbara Wentroble
3. Possessing The Gates of the Enemy: A Training Manual for Militant Intercession - Cindy Jacobs
4. The Power of Persistent Prayer: Praying with Greater Purpose and Passion - Cindy Jacobs
5. The Ministry of Intercession: A Plea for More Prayer - Andrew Murray

This list of books is offered in no particular order. I know Ms. Jacobs from CFNI, when I was in school there and we used to live in the DFW area, so I am partial to her books of course. :wink:

The last part I totally understand. The good news in that is the Holy Spirit is still working in your life and He is still convicting you of sin that needs to be removed. That means that God still loves you and is willing to forgive your backsliding sins and He still desires to have a relationship with you. I was just reading in Hebrews 10:16-17 last week “This is the covenant that I will make with them After those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws upon their heart, And on their mind I will write them,” He then says, 17 “And their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.” Thank you that because of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross that we are forgiven and our sins are covered. I will pray for you to be restored in your relationship with God.