a day at the beach

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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a day at the beach

Post by kingnme »


i was checking out some shoes they were the plastic fashionable shoes there were two different styles to choose from

one looked like a pair of clear booties .........like a very thick plastic CLEAR booties

the other were semi flat mule style (ladies you kno wut im saying)

also they had ...a clear yellow ...and a clear teal but i wanted the clear ones

...but more of the mule style ANYWAYS :roll:

so i go outside on the beach ...looked down in the sand and there were

coins just BARELY underneath the sand i ran over and grabbed the coins ....

somehow .....i felt MORE coins .....just a little bit MORE deeper underneath the sand

but as my hands went deeper and deeper into the sand .....

i cud feel MOOOORE... and waay MORE... coins all the way down

on the left side of my hands.... and on the right.... it started to get overwhelming :lol:

because it was SOOOOOO many coins underneath ...i felt like a kid thinking WOW !! this is not stopping !!?!

all the while my thoughts were ...wow!? how did those guys miss this??? ....

you know those guys ( i see mostly men) searching for things with those metal detectors on the beach

...they come up with some pretty good finds LoL!

what is ABBA trying to convey here LoL! because it was so many coins that im retrieving until i was elbow DEEP digging out all these coins !!
Now why dost thou cry out aloud? is there no king in thee? micah 4:9
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Re: a day at the beach

Post by bella »


I really don't have an answer for you. Just the other day I recalled a dream I had many years ago with coins and I wondered what it represented. Specifically what do coins represent.

But for this dream, I thought of Proverbs 25:2: It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter.
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Re: a day at the beach

Post by bjcollin »


Great dream. In Luke 15:8-10 lost coins are representative of people who are lost and need to find the Lord. The guys with the metal detectors didn't find the coins, you did. Sometimes it is not about the equipment, it is about the walk. In this case transparent mule style shoes, so if your walk with Christ is transparent and people can see you are genuine, then many times it will draw them to Christ vs them encountering a professional person who is set on evangelism techniques. Hear my heart, I am not downing on anybody who is an evangelist by gifting or what our pastors and churches do for evangelism today, but personal evangelism is way more effective in finding the lost. The Great Commission ( Matthew 28:18-20 ) is for all believers, not just for the gifted or called. Hope this helps some on the dream.

in Christ,
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Re: a day at the beach

Post by kingnme »

but personal evangelism is way more effective in finding the lost. The Great Commission

on the personal EVANG. YES! IT SURE IS ! i have been told that

(an i wasnt TOO particular about their thoughts they conveyed to me ..but)

but when the person that i ministered to after awhile came to my church ...they thought that what they

heard from me was WAY more effective than what they had gotten from ministers at my church

but i have also ministered to others as well some things that i believe THE LORD was saying a little TOOO much for them to handle as well

just need balance :P
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Re: a day at the beach

Post by PastorJKG »

In response to the symbol coins, it can speak of "change", "the parts necessary to make a whole", or "Koinonia which means the fellowship of believers." or whatever the Lord wants it to mean. LOL
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Re: a day at the beach

Post by kingnme »



concerning that "fellowship of believers " its been really busy yes ! the coins seem to fit
Now why dost thou cry out aloud? is there no king in thee? micah 4:9
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