City Winery & Runny Nose

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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City Winery & Runny Nose

Post by ispeaktheword »

I was inside City Winery. I walked to the door entrance where the performances were held. The lights were off. I opened the door slightly and it seemed like there were a couple of people having a meeting in the dark. I couldn’t see them. I wanted to speak with someone but I’m not sure what about. A woman came out to speak with me but I didn’t actually see her.

I’m still in City Winery. My left nostril starts running and I’m chuckling because I feel a little embarrassed. I went to find some tissue. I noticed there was a humongous bed in the open area of city winery and next to the bed was some tissue. The bed was like a giants bed. I had to leap onto the bed because of how big and how high it was.

I grabbed some tissue. I noticed some of the jewelry on the bed was mine. The rest of the jewelry was other people's. I thought to myself, “Did I leave this jewelry from the last time I was here?” I saw my silver necklace from Tiffany’s and I saw my Apple Watch. Those are the two things I remember. I think there were a couple more things. I said to the woman, “OMG this is my necklace and this is my watch, I can show you because my picture is on the watch.” I was just really surprised. EOD

City Winery is a venue that holds intimate musical concerts from local artists to well-known artists. While enjoying the concert you can enjoy dinner and your favorite wine. Also, I am a singer-songwriter. I’m wondering if this dream has something to do with my gifts.

I appreciate your thoughts,
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