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Flea market find

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2023 1:21 pm
by kingnme
Hello all I had this dream that I was walking on the sidewalk there were people along the grassy areas

However I didn't know that I was at a local flea market
it was when Ikept walking .when scene changes

now I'm under a tent there are countertables many different various items people just trying to make a few dollars the best way they could

it was sort of dilapidated not so well kempt the huge tent up but dirt flooring even thick patches of grassy weeds here and there no eye appeal

people are walking left side going down right side going up

if you've been at a local flea market you know what I'm talking about

so I'm there going along there's this little boy coming down he had a wallet in his hand I saw him having kind of a hard time managing the dollars and the wallet struggling trying to take the money out so he looked to be about six or seven years old

So I asked him to come over I took the wallet from him to help him and I had to walk over to one of the counter tables because it was apparently it was much to handle not a lot of money
but just what he was dealing with

when I went over to the counter there was an older woman sitting there on the other side of the counter I guess she was selling some items

when I open the wallet a little bit more my goodness

it was so much trash and balled up pieces of paper and just all sorts of debris and things it was very cumbersome so I removed the dollar bills they were $1 bills

I had to dump the wallet once then I had to dump the wallet again it was just that much debris and trash

After which I had him to take his dollar bills straighten them out and I had him to place the money back in neatly

he was so humbled and adamant to do whatever I said he straightened the money ever so careful and he neatly placed them back in the wallet

so the older woman was looking on from the side I wasn't really looking at her I was eagerly to help this kid

Well she had a problem with all of that she was stating that I think what you're doing ... first of all he's too young .. she went on stating you should not be doing that ...that kid is way too young for all this then she turn the radio on to an old gospel song that was pertaining to attack me passive-aggressively

So I looked at her somewhat LOL and I was saying no!! you have to start early this not too hard it's not too much for him

So I continued on and somehow my eye just happenstance look down on the ground and right in this patch of grass one more dollar bill

I'm thinking wow he's got so much going on he dropped his money so I reached down picked up the crumpled $1 bill for him to neatly place that in as well

however I don't know how this happened but I really did not see it to be honest but I reached further down into the grass and picked up this wallet some man's wallet....? It was a very nice wallet..

while working with this young boy I just took the wallet and set it aside thinking I'm going to look at it later right now I'm trying to work with this kid I wanted to get back with him to finish this task

but in my mind I'm saying okay I'm going to look through this wallet

it was the nicest wallet I've ever seen it looked very expensive beautiful cowhide thick leather wallet it was a man's wallet so I have no idea

because I woke up after that I never got to look through I woke up !!!
I'm so perplexed LOL

Re: Flea market find

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2024 3:15 am
by JayD
If this dream has any spiritual significance it may speak of being faithful in the little things, therefore, being entrusted with more.

Keep doing the right thing for the right reasons.

Re: Flea market find

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2024 1:57 am
by JayD
Hi. These are just some further thoughts, bits and pieces.

Flea markets often sell used items, as do thrift stores. Symbolically speaking, it may speak of others' personal experiences that they are looking to sell, so to speak. You may be seeking something that may be a fit for you.

Grass at times can speak of natural growth. For instance, a talent can be a natural trait that grows as we hone it. Weeds may speak of the sin that is growing and choking it's life.

Appears that tent area needs some cleaning up, as in removal of sin that is spoiling their product's appeal.

The money appears to be resources / assets that the boy has, but it is full of debris ... Possibly lots of non essentials and sin.

And it appears the boy is open to instruction and learning, even grateful for it.

Appears another is trying to stop you, but you are confident in what you feel compelled to do.

And although it may speak of being faithful in the little things, therefore being entrusted with more, it may also be that you are seeing the fruit of your service, how as a man his assets will be much more appealing and stand out.

Just some further details that may help. Either way, looks like a promising dream.

Re: Flea market find

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2024 7:20 pm
by Chrisy489
This is an interesting dream...

Three generations and two wallets depicted in three scenes:

First Scene - the young boy and his wallet filled with trash and a few $1 bills (third generation).
Second Scene - the older woman shows a lack of wisdom and sells what little she has to survive - she doesn't even have a purse (first generation).
Third Scene - the expensive wallet of a man (second generation) - Is it lost? Was it thrown away or discarded because of carelessness? Was it strategically placed for an appointed time?

Is the young boy's wallet filled with trash and a few dollars because of the failures of those who preceeded him in the third generation? Observe the young boy's desire and determination to clean up and secure what they transferred to him but there are unknown riches from the second generation that are yet to be found...

Three people:
1) A young boy - child born out of the two previous generations.
2) An older woman - symbolizing the first generation and therefore the MOTHER of the subsequent two generations.
3) A man - symbolizing the second generation and therefore the father of the third generation.

Is it a coincidence that there is ONE older woman, one adult man and one young boy in the dream?

This dream is about the "church" as revealed when the old woman "turn the radio on to an old gospel song that was pertaining to attack me passive-aggressively". This is about the "Church" - "the called out ones", which began with the nation of Israel.

The three phases of the "Church":
1) The nation of Israel (Old Testament) - the older woman who disobeyed the Almighty God and is presently dispersed throughout the world - poor and in the flea market (first phase).
2) The church in the apostles' age when the Lord Jesus Christ came and the Holy Spirit was in control - full of riches in the truth (second phase).
3) The post-apostles' age when lies and apostasy crept in and most of the TRUTH was pushed out (third phase).

The end time church is in the third phase - it's the time when Our Lord Jesus Christ will clean up His church to ensure that when He returns His bride will be without spot, blemish or wrinkle. The third endtime generation wants to clean up the trash and secure the good that those who preceeded him in the third generation left as an inheritance but will need help in order to do so. The dreamer symbolizes those who will assist the Lord in the cleansing process in preparation for His return and the wedding feast. The second generation's wallet was not lost forever -it was strategically placed to be found in the third generation endtime for the cleaning up and unity of the Body of Christ before His return.


Re: Flea market find

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2024 9:00 pm
by JayD
I have to say, can't say for the dreamer if it fits but this is such a wonderful interp, and i see by what i see in the Word, abd by what i have experienced, much truth in it.

I will also say that i believe the dreamer was able to access the wallet is because her heart was pure and her motivation was right. She also was discerning in regards to the old lady. She could be entrusted with the wallet.

Awesome stuff. We can say that because all Glory His!

Makes me want to shout Hallelujah!!!

Reminds me some of the parable of the talents too. Don't be surprised as more spiritual riches comes your way.