dog bite ...but

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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dog bite ...but

Post by kingnme »

Hello All

so I dreamt I was walking downstairs amongst quite a few people going along

and this what looked like a collie/Lab came downstairs as well

it saw me and came up and gripped my upper leg .....

but it was no pressure ??? if you were to compare the actually pressure from the bite
the grip from a clothespin wud have been WAY more than what the dog was doing

the issue is the dog HELD on though without ACTUALLY biting down ON me

so I stood there the dog stood there and I just YELLED OUT to the passerby


and out of nowhere this old mother from my foundation church

came up to the dog grabbed the dogs fur hairs (from under its snout)

and she FIRMMLY said COME HERRRE !!! to the dog grabbing it and whisking it away ...

as I watched her and the dog go away back UP the stairs ... ...then I awoke !
Now why dost thou cry out aloud? is there no king in thee? micah 4:9
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Re: dog bite ...but

Post by bjcollin »


Collie's are herding dogs, and labs are retrieving dogs, they protect the sheep. The dog's intension in the dream seemed not one of malice to actually bite you, but dogs' don't have hands so they have to use their mouths to do things, and this ones intension seems to be one of protection and just holding you there, thus impeding your walk. The symbol of the older woman seems to be one of spiritual foundation, so to me this represents the Lord in the dream. The Lord is always watching and protecting us. For the dog, I feel that no matter how well intended some people are in trying to protect you, sometimes they can be a hindrance and it slows you down in where you need to go to spiritually. Step out in faith and walk in what God has for you, don't let the people that are trying to stop you get in the way. Hope this helps.

in Christ,