Golden Alarm Clock Masterpiece

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Golden Alarm Clock Masterpiece

Post by Mona »

Hi folks, my computer is still down and borrowing a friends computer to post this dream. Thought it was rather important and seeking more understanding.

Here's the dream:

David Hertzog of the Glory Zone was conducting a service at my house. He operates in signs, wonders and miracles. Anyway, there was a few of us in my bedroom praising the Lord. My husband and I were laying in bed while fellowshipping with the others that were present in our room. I was speaking and in the middle of my sentence a shock wave of the Lord's presence came into the room. We began to see this silver bell on the wall. I remember being so shocked and estatic about how the Lord just showed up so powerfully that I fell out of bed and onto the floor. I remember I was very excited. Then I got back into bed and I could still see the silver bell and it seemed to move around on the wall, but I was having a hard time concentrating on it because the Glory of Lord was so thick. This silver bell almost reminded me of a service bell or bell hop bell...

I remember looking down at my husband and wondered if he was experiencing anything and so I asked him and he nodded. He was a little frightened as he had never experienced such a thing before and was waiting for the presence to pass. He kind of hug the pillow and buried his face.

The the Glory dissipated and I seemed to know the Lord left us some gifts or signs and wonders. I noticed that a clip hanger was hanging from the curtain rod. At the end of the hanger was what use to be the silver bell but now was a silver metal disc. I pulled the disc and then it turned into the beautiful Golden alarm clock. It was a masterpiece of fine detail and intriquit carvings. The scene on the clock was that of the manger scene with the Three wise man. There was blue color embossed on the wise man's clothes. When I looked at the face of the clock it appeared blank but then when I looked again it had the numbers labeled and the number 12 was highlighted with a diamond. The clock had no hands of time as if time was standing still with the emphasis on the number 12.

Then I walked out into the living room and saw that the Lord had annoited the door was various crosses. I could see the oiled outline of each cross.

Then I noticed a table sitting in the dining room with pork, sauerkratt, hot dogs. There was a note written and attached to the table. I seemed to know the Lord wrote this letter. It said, YOu don't count on me. I saw some people eating from this table and apparently it tasted pretty good, but I had an eiry feeling not to eat such unhealthy food even though it tasted good.

Then I was passing the bathroom and speaking to the girl who was getting ready to take a shower. I told her to get ready as when the Lord performs a miracle the devil is ready to show up and trys to deny the miracle. Even some church leaders are convinced that certain miracles are not from God but the devil.

Just then all these demons were standing before me getting ready to try and take me out. But I stood strong and firm in my faith and knew I would conquer them. I sang during these attacks to Lord praising Him.

There was one giant demon that I killed with an iron rod. This giant had no head but only a body. The body was dressed in a law police uniform. I put this stake through his heart like you would kill of vampire. He then died

So that's the dream and was a very powerful dream and full range of color. I am really interested in understanding the golden clock and the diamond on the twelve.

Oh yeah It was a wind up clock that you set manually. You set the alarm and when that time comes the little metal bars hits against the bell. It was a very cool looking clock and was so beautifully made.

Anyways, I would really appreciate any insight to this dream.

Love you and miss you all!!!

Many Blessings
Love In Him
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Post by Manassehs_Warrior »

Very cool dream....sorry I do not have an interp but i pray someone else will come forth with one....

God bless you,

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Post by Mona »

Well today I heard the Lord speak to me during a nap...I heard him say....Time is up.....and then I heard a clock ringer go off.....It made me think of this dream....I can't believe this post is five years old....but I noticed the diamond at the twelve position and the diamond looks like a light in the highest place or position on the clock...well I found this scripture and its a match to the symbolism

Genesis 1:14

14 And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years

I'm in that season and what is amazing we are in the 12 month and I understand that 12th hour(the diamond was positioned at the 12 hour) represents the hour of Christ and his coming.....The Lord is coming into my situation....I am certain this has to do with my husband...after all these years he is finally coming to Christ because the Lord is coming to meet him....My husband had fell to a very dark place and he left us and we have been separated for almost two years. My daughter has seen him but I have not yet seen for almost two years him as I refuse until he comes into repentance . What is strange over three years ago..I received a particular song as a word from the Lord....I'll be home for Christmas...just you wait and see..I will be home for Christmas if only in your dreams....During the time I received it I didn't understand it and my husband and I were still together...but guess what.....the time is up and it is a sign to the home coming of my husband not only coming back to the Lord but coming back home during the Christmas season...My daughter's and I prayer is that the Lord would be able to do a miracle and that my husband and her dad would be able to spend Christmas day together.

I believe the Lord is showing that this is a definite sign and it is a very sacred moment..Finally separating the day from the night....taking the night out of this season....A diamond also represent also reminds me of a wedding, a diamond in the rough now in its beautiful state reflecting various wave lengths of light...I believe its a season of LIGHT, PRAISE AND BEAUTY...not only for me but my husband mostly!!

“Arise, shine, for your light has come,
and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. bestow on them a crown of beauty
instead of ashes.......They will be called the Holy People,
the Redeemed of the Lord;
and you will be called Sought After,
the City No Longer Deserted.
.........from:ISAIAH 60, 61 and 62....The Glory of Zion, The Year of the Lord's favor, and Zion's new name.

Maybe the three wise men are these chapters engraved in the goodness..more revelation just writing this out!!! I know I read all these chapters repeatedly over my circumstances...time for them now to manifest......
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Post by shine »

Hey Mona! Amazing dream & recent vision to bring it all into perspective for you!!! It appears your prayers, faith & actions are moving those mountains!

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Post by Pearls of Wisdom »


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Post by Mona »


My husband and I were reunited on CHRISTMAS DAY!!! Since then he made the right choice to go into a ministry program that has caused him to repent of various things that were in his life. He is having an amazing transformation. He is finally for the first time in his life hearing the LORD for himself and in that his transformation is coming. What no man can do the HOLY SPIRIT CAN!!!
Psalm 96:1
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Post by Pearls of Wisdom »

Mona wrote:Just a PRAISE REPORT!!!

My husband and I were reunited on CHRISTMAS DAY!!! Since then he made the right choice to go into a ministry program that has caused him to repent of various things that were in his life. He is having an amazing transformation. He is finally for the first time in his life hearing the LORD for himself and in that his transformation is coming. What no man can do the HOLY SPIRIT CAN!!!
Awesome, Mona! I am so thrilled for you. This is certainly for many a season of much answered prayers and open doors of blessings aglow.

Amen to that! "What no man can do the HOLY SPIRIT CAN!!!"
:mrgreen: :like:

Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding.