dream 7/4/08 pt 2

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dream 7/4/08 pt 2

Post by sigmon2 »

pt 2......
had this 3rd dream and it was one where I woke up and went to sleep and as I slept I entered the dream......I was standing outside a 2 car garage.....I saw my young nephews and other kids running around.....they were fussing over a bike....I took the bike and walked into the garage to put it away so they would not fight over it......they went on playing...as I walked in the big garage door closed and when shut it had a regular door in it that someone walked through.....I went into the house turned right and entered a living room area where my youngest sister was repeating a complaint of her complaining husband about how we used the big garage door instead of the little one....and she was told something like it was already open and did not matter and she tried defending her husband and she was called on it....she tried to argue back that she does not overly defend her nagging demanding over bearing, oops - sorry I should stick to the dream, just wanted to say what he is like -......So she got quiet....I saw in the room....My sister and her husband.....my mom and dad (he is dead), my middle sister, as I walked further into the room it was as though my youngest sister and her husband were gone suddenly.....my middle sister stood up and turned to walk away and my father stood up and walked toward me, but something was strange about him.....My mom got up and turned to follow my middle sister........As my middle sister rounded the end of the sofa and my mom came up behind her to follow her my mom turned into her twin and they both walked away.....as they walked away my father walked up to me with an extended belly like he was pregnant, he partially put it on a table and I laid the left side of my head/ear on top of the extended belly.....the dream ended and I woke up........
couple of small details...brother in law is over bearing, but has good days too......my middle sister just moved in with my mom and my mom actually pushed for it - my middle sister is her favorite daughter/child for good reasons - the sister makes a good slave who refuses nothing.......mom even added in that if she leaves that she will lose the house so the she wants my sister there......my nephews are always fussing for first place.....but these parts of the parable are somewhat easier.....its the dead father about to give birth bit and me bending over to listen or hug.....to be honest in the beginning when i woke up I thought he was just fat and I was just putting my head on his chest but then it dawned on me that it was much more than that because of the belly button and the extended belly, it was big, and how he partially set it on a table.........any ideas????
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this dream as I think about it and I did some looking around seems to be saying that something is about to come forth........a dream, a wish, a prayer, a ministry, a nightmare for some and a joy for others, a lot of work, of care, and as it grows a life of its own.....since my father died he has taken on a symbol in my life...the part of right actions....I still have the woman acting as wisdom tagging along...my ex has been there but I am still trying to understand her role....if I can understand the roles the people are playing as symbols I will be better able to understand the dreams.....anyway, something is about to be birth and nothing will stop it....my mom have been handed over to the care of my sister.....well only time will tell......we are getting closer.....
see ya....
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I wanted to add to this dream a group of dreams I had this morning, Sunday morning....the content to me is not as important as the theme....all had a theme of a new beginning to beginning now.......dream 1...I was in a class room and the semester just began, the bell just rang, we just sat to start the class and even dropped my supplies on the floor the first day...met a new teacher the first day......Next dream....I was in a city area and was given a new ministry to set up, I had the building and the stuff and everything was ready to go....me and Ms. wisdom were walking home to rest to start the next day with the ministry...I remember before the dream ended looking across the street and seeing a preacher's house....the dream ended.......the next dream.....was racing around in a car I had no control of - at least no control of the gas petal or brake and we were flying!.......I could steer...I was every where on the road, sidewalks, yards, parking lots and I mean every where doing freeway speeds on city streets missing people left and right and the cops did not come after me....when I turn the car off and took out the keys and pushed the brake petal I still was flying low headed for the freeway (to hell maybe the way I was acting) anyway....when the car finally stopped I found my 8 yr old nephew and his friend in the front seat and me standing....I told them to get in the back and I turn the car around to go back to where I had come from......my nephew makes a perfect symbol of a dennis the menace - do it my way now and more stuff...anyway that would fit my disobediant ways of driving myself and not letting the Lord lead......now there is a new beginning because the car is under the Lord's control...end of dream......new dream starts......I was the cook in charge and all the food for lots of people was cooked and ready...I had just went through the entire kitchen and dining hall and did a quick inspection to ensure everything met with my satisfaction before the people lined up at the doors came in....the food is on the tables and the servers are at their places and I say let them in..... dream ends.......a new dream starts......I have this other one that is fuzzy but something to do with something and it is cleared and ready to change and then begin.....
that was Sunday morning the first day of the week....wonder what monday will bring?????????
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I thought I would add here instead of adding a new topic line because it is of the same story......
this morning I had another couple of groupings of dreams with a theme.....one was being in a room of people of history who were children......the dream would flash over to a picture of everyone in a group photo and then back to everyone as kids at a sleep over with me being restless, note here I say people of history because that is how the photo was taken but I do not know anyone in the photo....at the sleep over we were kids in the photo we were adults.....another was picking up kids of a stormy road where a flood had happen and I had crossed the flood area by a different route next to some train tracks but the water had gone down now but it was still over the bridge but I saw cars and truck driving through it and I was going to drive through it but I stopped and the kids went across but I was waiting.....another bus that was suppose to take them left and I was trying to call it back, it had excuses..Another dream was picking kids on a new bus route and explaining to them where their stops would be in a place I do not know.....then there was another one which was kind of fuzzy but it was the first one, but in each one it seemed to say my answer was all ready here....I was just to move forward......after the waking up after the last dream I started to just go back to sleep (I swear this really happen, I know we are not to swear) a traffic cop whistle blew in my ear!....I said, ok, ok...Lord I'll get up...but I still do not see what is already here.....and so I got up and Thanked HIm for at least talking to me....and as I walked....I made a comment...A TRAFFIC WHISTLE?..........ok, today I will search for what ever is already here.....yesterday I sent the Lord a letter via the flame/ash in the wind express....today I will keep my eyes open for any changes in something..............
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Hi All

Post by sigmon2 »

This dream just had a twist....the baby was born this morning in a dream I had....it was a reddish baby boy....when I saw it my mom was near by but the baby was upside down naked in a recliner and it seemed the family was gathered.....
see ya
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Post by sigmon2 »

Hi, been a while but
My mom got up and turned to follow my middle sister........As my middle sister rounded the end of the sofa and my mom came up behind her to follow her my mom turned into her twin and they both walked away..
I just had a dream that my mom's time was up. And I finally told my one sister who in this quote is her twin. Could it be of all my sisters she takes my mom's place in the family over the family. She is pretty much there now. I took my father's place. Very interesting. It would also mean many of my dreams are still working themselves out. I also note it has been six years for this wow.
Waiting on the Lord in a Hurry