Family, family land, child, sister

Archived Dreams from 2018
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Family, family land, child, sister

Post by sigmon2 »

Hi all, Hope this finds you blessed in the Lord Jesus.
Well had me a double dream, maybe more and maybe connected but seen as 2.
Dreams start with me at my grandmother's land. My 2nd sister is there with boys connected to her. We are in the field between houses sort of in the back. My standing at garage talking about building a house right on the land behind the house there. She is in the house. But I am looking not opposed to the idea but worried about the flooding from the creek. We talk but I start to walk toward house with this on my mind, as I walk the dream fades away.
Not sure if connected,
Now in next dream, I am with my family. We are all together sort of like a pile but a little spread. We are on a path or sidewalk. It's beautiful country around me but I don't look around.
I see a boy coming. Nicely dressed. Tan pants, horizontally striped shirt holding a stuffed animal. We meet just him and me. I rise up and step away a little from family and reach for the boy and the boy for me. He is young and tan skin, wearing long sleeve shirt. He is polite. He hugs me and I hug him back, we lay there wrapped are in arm, talking about how he likes church and want to go to church. I say I like church and want to go but have had issues from my back but I love to go.
I say we can go together. He say he would like that. So we hug, then I feel it the draw to wake up, I tell him it's time for me to go but maybe again. I say I love you. He say it back. I just got my next adoption order... it's great.
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Re: Family, family land, child, sister

Post by sigmon2 »

So my first adopt son, this happen, here it again. Another child to adopt.
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Re: Family, family land, child, sister

Post by sigmon2 »

Hi all, had this dream some time back. Been sitting on it. Hope Lor is with you all.
This dream dealt with family in the beginning. My second sister was most seen in the group. There was talk of living in the same place. From this sister in real life does happen. In the dream she mentioned adding a house to the land, the land in question was my grandmother's Oleta place. Her place figures a lot in my dreams as anchor it seems. I looked at the open land in back and got to thinking of the creek that floods and how it would be done.
Then the dream sort of changed where I was surrounded like in a nest. I had to step out of the nest onto a sidewalk next to a street. I saw a boy laying on the sidewalk where two sidewalks met at a corner. Two paved streets also met there too. He was not old, say older boy but say not a teen I think. So I step out of the nest take a step or two and reach out to him. He reaches out to me and I lay on the sidewalk next to him and he says to me he likes going to church.
I say I a m glad cause I like going to church too, and we can go together. He says he would like that. Then we say we love each other hugging. I notice the dream ending, I told him the dream is ending and I must go for now but I will be back. I love you, we will find each other. Then I woke up.
I knew the Lord had spoken.
What you think?
Thanks for reading.
Waiting on the Lord in a Hurry
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Re: Family, family land, child, sister

Post by sigmon2 »

Dumb, I rewrote it without knowing I wrote it the first time. But a few small minor things different. But it helps me. Later. Sorry
Waiting on the Lord in a Hurry