3 Short Dreams Same Night

Archives for 2008
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Truth Seeker
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3 Short Dreams Same Night

Post by Truth Seeker »

1st dream
I was in a boxing ring with someone else, I don’t believe I knew him but I knew he was a pretty good boxer. We both were holding up our guards and moving around the ring, but he wouldn’t throw any punches. I threw some at him but for some reason he wouldn’t throw any.

2nd dream
I was walking down a hill where I saw an apartment building which in the dream it seemed like I knew the owner. When I saw the apartment building, I thought about seeing if I could work there part time.
Some body’s possessions were out front like when someone is evicted. I kept walking down the street and ended up in a building or something where I saw some people, one person I know IRL. There was like a weight lifting team getting ready to go to competition. I was thinking about joining the team and compete possibly at the next competition.
I remember getting on the phone and a female was on the other end trying to get me to go out with her but she knew I was married. I remember telling her “you know I’m married.

3rd dream
It appeared to me that I was driving up a hill and there were a lot of deer’s running out in the street like they were going wild. I was dodging through them. Some even seem like deer’s that almost look like giraffes. Next thing I know I was on foot and what I thought was deer’s was really people in deer suites. I remember talking to one lady and another person was trying to steal my wallet. I turned around and told him don’t do that and that was it.
Truth Seeker
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Truth Seeker
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Joined: Mon Jan 07, 2008 2:14 am
Location: Under the Shadow of the Almighty

Post by Truth Seeker »

Any thoughts from anyone???????????
Truth Seeker