fat guy in a green costume

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fat guy in a green costume

Post by Charys »

Last night I dreamt I saw a fat guy in a weird green body suit kind of costume. He was on the left side of my bed. He said, "Awwww. Why can't you be more compassionate?" in a tone of voice meant to induce shame or guilt. His name was "Kim Klein." I don't know anyone by that name.
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Post by j4him77 »

Hi Charys! That was definitely a false spirit trying to shame you for being less compassionate. Ask the Lord to remove the lies and accusations of the enemy and replace it with His truth!

The enemy tries to work overtime on us about the guilt and shame. So NO WAY in Jesus' name!


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Post by Charys »

Hi Jaimee,
Thank you for this. I definitely didn't feel like this was a messenger of the Lord; that was obvious from the accusatory attitude. What I'm not sure about is whether this was from the enemy or if the Lord was warning me to watch out for the enemy trying to push my buttons.

I've been praying about giving lately. I'm not sure what the Lord is asking of me. I wonder if I should have any savings when there are so many poor in the world.

I googled "Kim Klein". There is someone by that name who is an expert on fund raising who teaches people how to ask for money. I don't believe this is the literal person at all. Sometimes the Lord has given me names of people whose occupations represent something I need to be wary of. Once I got the name of a guy who, I discovered in a google search, buys intellectual property rights to scripts. In the dream someone with this name somehow acquired the rights to forbid publication of a creative project we were working on. He lived in a high square castle with no windows. A stronghold! We knew to pray to break that off.

I need wisdom in this area. I am trying to learn about trusting the Lord for finances and how much to give. Oh. I just remembered! I prayed about that last night. Duh!

Hmmm. Lately I have discovered that some ministries and charities actually raise far more money than they need. They have a surplus of two or three times their budget yet continue to run ads pleading desperate times and urging believers to "sow into" their ministries. I have also found that some directors of well-known charities have enormous salaries like CEOs in the world ($200,000 to $400,000+.)

Gotta pray about this some more.
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Post by Charys »

I found this interesting site. Most christian ministries are exempt, but there's valuable info here.


Did you know the CEO of the Boy Scouts and his two assistants make over two million dollars a year in salary?
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Post by j4him77 »

Hi Charys! I think you're right on track! Perhaps that Kim Klein guy is someone the Lord is warning you about to stay away from. Meaning, out of your compeltion to want to give to the needy, don't do it by the world's standard of giving or give out of worldly compassion, but be moved with compassion by His Spirit. Move, when He tells you to move and out of the Love of Jesus-through His eyes! This way has the most impact. AND don't forget the right season to give either. Its just like if you had seed and planted it in the ground but didn't consider that your seed was supposed to be planted in early spring not late fall. Understand?

I've done this recently and didn't give for a while because I was waiting for the right opportunity and timing to release it. In about a month or two the Lord showed me a sequence of things I encountered in my day or people and even showed me a license plate that said 'SOW' in it! So many times, he pieces all this together and sort of 'sets us up' with an opportunity to sow into people or ministries. Its quite a KAIROS moment when it happens and I just jump knowing its from Him. You have to be tender and sensitive to His leading though and careful not to disregard the opportunity when it comes up. Sometimes its so subtle we miss it.

Jaimee :)
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Post by Hephzibah »


About giving from your savings, the Bible tells us to open our hand wide to the poor (Deut. 15), Withhold not good when it is in the power of our hand to do it ( Prov. 3 ), and don't cover your ears when the poor cry out or God won't hear you when you cry (prov. 21).

But it also says a righteous man leaves an inheritance to his grandchildren (Prov. 13). And remember the Prov. 31 "virtuous woman". She was a prosperous businesswoman who invested her money in real estate, had servants and dressed her family in silk, scarlet, and purple - all indications of wealth. Yet, she also "stretched her hand out to the poor". Stretch implying she actively searched for needs she could fill not just waiting for them to show up on her doorstep.

So clearly we have a responsibility to share, but we also have a responsibility to our families. God wants us to have and wants us to give. There is a balance to be struck which is why we need the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Jaimee's word was wise.
Just don't be motivated by guilt. "Let every man give as he purposes in his heart, not under compulsion , for God loves a cheerful giver."( Cor. 9:7 )

By the way, names are one of my pet interests. In case you didn't know-

Kim in Vietnamese means "gold", "precious metal' and can also mean "needle".
Klein in German means "small".
So maybe the fat dude in your dream was needling you about giving a small amount of gold??? ?? :lol:
Just thought I'd throw that out there.
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Post by j4him77 »

Oooh Hephzibah...that is very interesting about the names! I love looking up the meanings too :) Thank you for quoting that verse in Corinthians, I had that in mind but couldn't remember where that was! :)
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Post by Hephzibah »

Oooooh Jaimee, Don't mention it! :D :lol: :wink:
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Post by Charys »

Thank you both for your words of wisdom.
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