Yellow Bentley and the PM

Archived Dreams from 2015
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Yellow Bentley and the PM

Post by rarara »

We, (seemed to be my family), were in an old stone building like an old school.

People were going out of this building into the one next door, on the left.
It was a similar building with old stone steps up to the entrance. Like a town hall.

My daughter Grace went in there first then we seemed to follow.

It was a place where people were being taught to sing all the new worship songs and it also had something to do with dressing really fabulously. I don’t know how I know this but none of the people were believers. And they were all like local dignitaries. Most were very rich.

I remember looking down at my dress which was made of a silver fabric and I had these beads, they were long, a bit like pearls but they caught the light and were more silvery and they had edges, so were not perfectly round.

We came out of the building together and as we walked down the steps another family was stepping out of their car. To come in.
They too had a very beautiful daughter and they were very well dressed but when the lady looked at me she had a disdainful look on her face.

I looked to the left and the street rose up on that side.
I saw a car which looked like a very old model of a Bentley. But it was new. It was very rounded and long in shape and had those old rounded wings or fenders. It was a pale shade of yellow everywhere, like a primrose, except for the fenders which were silvery grey. It was this car that stood out for me when I woke.

Then John Key who is the Prime Minister of NZ stepped out of it and a small crowd of people gathered round him. They were outside a small store. I wanted to go and speak to him but decided he was too busy.

Then I looked left again down the street, I was turning the other way, down the hill on the same side, and saw him again going into a house, just like a normal Kiwi home.
Again lots of people were milling around and I wanted to speak to him. He turned and looked at me, smiling and I started off down the road, then the dream kind of petered out as I approached the house.

Quite a few lefts in this dream.

Appreciate anyone's insight, thanks and love,
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Re: Yellow Bentley and the PM

Post by rarara »


So I'm still trying to see what this dream is all about. Schools come up in my dreams regularly so this could be being taught by the Lord and preparation.

The town hall is a public place so by way and means of His Grace He takes us to the places where He wants His Kingdom to come, to be experienced,; new worship songs being sung in the community not just within the walls of church buildings.

Silver dress could be refinement and beads with edges could be a reference to edgy and different. The people He's placed me in amongst.

Or they could be things that have been imparted to me, taught to me like in Proverbs where we wear our Mother's teaching like a garland around our necks.

The left turns could be walking by way of the Spirit and not being guided by seeing after the flesh but by seeing after the Spirit.

The car is an old thing but it is brand new and the colour has to mean something, don't you think?
Primroses make me think of early Spring back home in Scotland.

John Key could mean that Love referring to the disciple that Jesus loved is that Love is the Key and that whatever way I turn to follow the way of Love.

Prime Minister means first minister so could be Jesus.

I was very eager to talk to Him in the dream.

I also think that it could be about my family and a generational thing that God has desired to do. Because of my immediate family being in the dream and the old stone buildings.

Any thoughts would be helpful.
