Caged demon

Archived Dreams from 2015
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Caged demon

Post by Margielprt »

I have had many warfare dreams but this one I have had some revelation but could use some help with the other:

I dream that I am at my grandfather's house and i walk through the house and go outside by the side door which is just like my grandfathers house and start walking up the driveway which is the side of the house and i turn and look and instead of seeing the windows that i would normally see there, i see caged bars that hold the biggest demon i have ever seen. He is looking right at me and as i walk, he starts pacing the bars but remains caged. Now i did not see this demon when i was in the house, it was only when i went outside the house. I had my warfare gear on, but instead of warring, i just look and am kinda afraid, so i keep on walking to the front of the house and i see my mother standing there just looking with my other relatives standing there. I go up to her and try talking to her and i tell her that i know that she thinks that i am nothing but a sleeper but all i ask is that she ask God who i am because that is not what He says of me, i am almost yelling and pleading at the same time and i keep saying the same thing over, Ask God, that is all i ask, Ask Him. Then I wake up.

ok, here is some background and what i have learned so far and any help with this i really appreciate. Both of my parents are deceased and i was able to ask forgiveness and get reconciliation with both of my parents since it was a very difficult relationship at best. The things that i am saying to my mother are the things i would like to say to my husband that i am currently separated from, he believes himself to be an apostle but would constantly accuse me of sleeping with basically everyone we ever met, including his family members. I heard this constantly for over a period of 6 years among other emotionally, spiritually and mentally abusive things. He has told me that i would not be able to make it spiritually without him and that the wolves would eat me up should we ever be separated. He kicked me out of our home @ 4:00 in the morning, saying that if anyone cares more about sleeping than their own salvation needs to leave and told me to gather up my things and leave. As i was packing, he accused me of using drugs and berate me as i gathered my things, we went to the bank, he gave me $500 and told me to go and get my next fix as i was telling him that i asked God to bless him. I am learning that God never leaves me, even when others do and that He always loves me, no matter what and that i am a warrior for Christ and i get stronger in Christ, every day and i am discovering and growing in the gifts that God has giving me.

I have recently had a situation, where i have seen a man come through my lane at work, i am a toll booth collector and he is a regular. I see the demonic in him and there has been an increase and it is such a lustful one, that it is so strong in him that would be one that would be forceful. It has kinda scared me. So i have begun fasting and praying, and this is the revelation i have gotten so far. That the fear i felt in the dream and the one in this man are one in the same. I believe it is a rapist spirit, one that seeks only to take and destroy. I believe that is in my grandfather's house. I was molested by one of my family relatives on my mother's side of the family, not to the point of rape but close had i not run. Through this revelation, God has given me a peace, that He is my provider and that He provides protection for those that are His, I am His and He will protect me so i have His peace.

I know this was long and I apologize for that, but wanted you to have all the information so that you can seek God for clarity and interpretation. I thank you in advance for any help. I know it sounds so sordid, and while i would like to apologize, i know that what satan meant to use to harm me, God meant for my good and as a result, i have seen His mighty hand at work in my life for not only salvation but deliverance. God bless you all, and may His peace rule in your hearts and mind and His face shine continually on you.

I am adding one other thing at the prompting of a trusted friend, the only thing i didn't put in there simply because i did not think it would add to this, but my friend said that you need to have all the information which is true, so here it is. my husband would always say that i was afraid of him, which i was, he said it was because there was so much holy spirit in him that it caused me to be afraid. well, i didn't really understand or know of spiritual things and had not grown enough so i took it as truth. well, one day he told me that he saw a huge demon in our home and of course, i was the cause he would say but through this process, i have found out this is the reason, i was afraid of him, that demon in my dream is also in him as well as my family line.
