
Archived Dreams from 2015
Diamond Member
Posts: 1913
Joined: Sun Jul 18, 2010 3:53 pm


Post by spiritledd »

I was watching this small black and white TV that had a lot of buttons ...I was trying clear up reception ...I noticed it had A/B so if one side was not working ...I was in my bedroom where I grew up ...then I was driving with dad ...then I was walking with dad because dad got license suspended for DUI ...then I was at bus stop ...then I was riding skate board on new tar ...then I was getting a ride from a gal and forgot my skate board in her car ...she and girl friend were saying it is hard to have others for dinner because you have to add "breath" meaning "salad" ...I just knew that is what it meant somehow ...then I went into kmart to get another skateboard ...guy wanted to hook me up with too expensive of one ...I said I don't need really fancy one, I use it for transportation, but I don't want cheap one either ...he said he had one for $200 ...then saw the gal again and she said she wanted work boots, because the ones she had hurt her feet ...I said red wings and whites are good ones ...I knelt down next to her, and she put her right foot on my left thigh ...I put boot on her right foot ...she reached out to me with her right hand, and I helped her up ...she had big diamond ring on it ...she held on to my hand while trying out the boot on her foot ...she kept holding on while we walked down isles ...she had soft hand and it was really comfortable to hold ...I let her hold my hand as long as she wanted to hold it ...she said wow these are really comfortable ...then I was at store entrance with no pants ...I was going to leave wallet and comb as collateral for very long shirt so I could get back to her was light blue canvas, and it had wooly sheep skin inside, and was really stiff and thick and tight, and came down to my knees ...then I was running back to her before she left ...heard... "Gideon"