Dream about laying hands, and praying,

Archived Dreams from 2015
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Dream about laying hands, and praying,

Post by LaKeisha000 »

I had a dream where in on scenario I was with a person who I formerly used to be friends with (we are not friend anymore) were kind of talking almost like old times but I suddenly got very serious and started praying for her and laid my hand on her head and told her that God was going to use her, I said some more things to her which I can't remember. Another scenario in the dream involved me praying for my boyfriends brother and then I laid hands on him and his facial expression changed and his pupils got big. Another setting took place where I was in front of a congregation speaking and as I was speaking some people in the crowd were shouting. Two people began to dance and praise God. One of the people was a woman a consider my sister. My clothes were different in the church setting. It seemed to be of silk and satin fabric. It was not exactly like preacher's robe but it look like it was specially designed for me It was a green silk with and gold vest. I only saw the top half of my attire. And honestly in real life it looks like something I would have designed and picked out to wear in a church setting if I ere to be a what God called me to be.