defending a house

Archived Dreams from 2016
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defending a house

Post by Joshua116 »

in my dream i was in a house

i saw that Jewish girl i met on OKCupid

her hair was different, in a beautiful ponytail

i don't know why she was in this dream

she was laying down in this room fully clothed

i tried to lay down beside her but she told me something to the affect of "not yet, not until the 29th"

i then realized i was in the house of this guy i know named Drew

in real life, Drew recently contacted me on Facebook and we chatted after he moved away and haven't spoken in a couple of years

in the dream, Drew had to leave for somewhere leaving me by myself

it was night time

i then saw one of the doors opening and i thought it was a Robber

however, it was just Drew's "Dad"...possibly the Jewish girl's "Dad"...even though she was no longer in the dream

it was some guy though whom i knew had the right to be there

i was fighting to keep the door closed though as he was unlocking the door

he was a nice guy

there was an understanding that he knew i would be there

it was an intense dream...the emotions were intense