last night's dream

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last night's dream

Post by HisGift »

I was in a house with my children and all of them were present.

In the first part of the dream there was a man Matthew from my church and a woman Marcia busying themselves in my home. The house had several big rooms in it and at first it seemed unfurnished as if maybe we just moved in, but my current house is very similar to that now. We just don't have a lot of things but anyway. I was at first just watching Marcia and Matthew wondering what they were doing. Then one particular scene I was speaking to my younger children and they were saying to me, what are we gona do? I was looking around and saying I just don't know, I'm sorry but I don't know. We were seated at table really close together and I was holding my younges in my lap who is now 6 years old.

I kept walking through the house and all these people were showing up and I didn't invite any of them. As I walked through the rooms I started to notice that someone had brought in a lot of brand new furniture. I saw Matthew and he was smiling at me like don't worry it'll be ok. He didn't say it but that's what I perceived from him. I kept thinking this is just strange. Then I noticed the furniture had all been put into place and there were a lot of people now seated in one room of the house. There was a woman on the television screen speaking to the room about me. As I walked into the room she said I want to tell her something I hear the Lord saying. This was a caucasion woman but there was another woman on a couch in the room saying that she wanted to give me a word as well. The woman on the screen said that she would not be permitted to do so. So I walked into this room in front of all these people and addressed the woman on the screen and said I'm listening. She began to tell me all these things about the season I was in and my life. I just stopped her and said no you are wrong that has not been my life at all. I will no longer permit anyone to speak lies into my life. If your words were of God they could only reflect the truth and sense I've yet to hear one word of truth I can not allow you to continue to speak... I walked out of the room then and everyone walked out behind me.

I caught up to the woman who was on the couch who was African American but someone I don't even know and asked what did she want to say to me. I don't remember what she said but it was all truth and I recognized it. I simply gave her a hug and turned to walk away. When I did I realized that now I was standing in an even larger room and someone was saying all of this is for her. We want her to keep it and enjoy it. I was looking at Marcia who was smiling at me and then at Matthew who was nodding his head yeah. I was looking at the room that was decorated very beautifully but it had a lot of chairs to lounge in. Sort of like what you would see in the lobby of one of those huge hotels. They all started saying the nicest things to me and saying just enjoy it. I went looking for my children who were in other parts of the house and they had apparently already informed that the furnishings were ours to keep. They all had such huge smiles as we just embraced and stood in awe of the entire situation. The house, the people and the furnishings.

I woke up thinking whose house was that anyway. I don't even own a house. I had such a peace though when I awoke it felt very very different.

This is the second dream I had about someone giving me furniture. The first dream was probably 3 or 4 years ago and I just remember receiving it from my biological sister, but I don't recall ever knowing which one.


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Joined: Thu Mar 05, 2009 1:44 am

Post by HisGift »
