Mark's Train/Military Dream

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Warrior Princess
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Mark's Train/Military Dream

Post by Warrior Princess »

Mark is a train engineer who lives in Illinois and in his dream was sent to a local town called Roodhouse, Illinois to catch a "local train" which means it runs locally. The guys on that "local" (train) said it hadn't left Mexico, Missouri yet (Illinois and Missouri are next to each other--I live in Missouri--so they're "local" but I guess it could have something to do with "Mexico" or Latin America because he's had dreams like this before and there's a possibility he's called to missions there). Mark contacted the dispatcher who said it would be 2 1/2 hours.

He then ran into a former coworker, a retired conductor (good guy, but a know it all in real life) whose name was L.R. Ford, who was in charge of running that local train. Ford's daughter had married an older man who was rich and had a company. Mark was working for Ford and his son in law who were planning to build a hotel on a cliff by the ocean. Mark said it wasn't a good idea because, there's no beach there. The son in law said they would just make their own beach by taking off part of the cliff. Mark said no you can't do that because of the erosion that would occur, but they didn't want to listen.

Then, the scene changes and Ford's daughter is in the military and being sent to a combat zone, but she is sick. The military court said she had to go anyway. She was going to classes about going to the combat zone. After class, there was going to be a "pass and review" (which is when the troops march past in parade and get inspected, etc). There were 4 women who he described as "mothers" of or for the people in the class. They were there to help the soldiers. They were at the hearing too and said some things he doesn't remember. They (including the moms) were all standing at attention in their groups or squadrons.

Then, Mark was getting stuff out of the old man's office (there might have been a receptionist) and putting it in his truck when Mike (a guy from his real life work/coworker/who drives the engineers to their engines) asked him to recommend a cheap place to eat and Mark said he'd take him to his place and feed him.
~Warrior Princess
"Now come the days of the king."