shaven head, black beard, and maybe hooves

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shaven head, black beard, and maybe hooves

Post by DeltaDawn »

Hello All.

The dream I am typing came from a close friend of mine named Sarah. She has a daughter about 9 years younger than I am, who has in the last 3 or 4 years "come out of the closet." She was very disturbed by this dream and asked me what I thought of it. I told her I would put it on this website and let her know if anyone sent a response. Thanks to all! ~Kim

DREAM: Sarah said she came upon a group of people standing over someone shouting at them. Sort of like a mob situation. Sarah said the words that came to her in the dream were "cast down." The people had "cast down" this person on the ground. When Sarah got closer, she saw it was her daughter on the ground. She said she looked grotesque. Her hair was shaven down to about 1/16th of an inch. Just enough to show black hair growing back. She said her daughter had a beard and couldn't be sure, but said it seemed like she also had hooves. She said she got sick in her spirit, and such a heaviness came over her. She said she began saying to her daughter, "I TOLD you, I TOLD you, I TOLD you!." She also said she began giving her scriptures about sin. Sarah said she had gone to bed before her husband had, and he came in and woke her up from the dream because she was in there moaning and groaning. He asked her what she was dreaming about and she said she couldn't bring herself to tell him.

Thanks for any insights/interpretations
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Hope this encourages her

Post by Janice »

A daughter is something that one births... A real daughter, a ministry; or to illustrate one's own spiritual growth size.

I believe the LORD is trying to tell her to cast down everything that exalts it's self against the word if God. In this case it would be speaking about guarding her mind, her thought patterns.

I also believe that this could be showing where she was in life, till trading a new covering in Jesus. Hooves also repersent one's covering.

(She said her daughter had a beard )

I was hoping I would get a dream like this one... It illustrated the male/ female influence. The famine and masculine characters with in us.

God made us with both male and female characters. When one's spirit is out of balance, He lets us see this in a dream so we can get our spirit man back in balance.

Give her this... 2 Corinthians 4:8 [We are] troubled on every side, yet not distressed; [we are] perplexed, but not in despair;
9 Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;
10 Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.(KJV)
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Post by kse »

I believe this is a picture of what has gone on in the spirit with this lady's daughter. Her glory (hair) and feminity has been shaven. To me this reminds me of emasculation, but in the opposite sense. Like if a man had been emasculated he would have his 'manhood' removed. In this case her sexuality has been replaced with a wrong sexuality, just as one would not see a beard on a woman. It's a sense of masculinity taking her over, being shoved on her. Also the hair can be a form of identity, so she has been stripped of her God-given identity here.

My cousin had dabbled in the occult, although raised pentecostal, and he had strange demonic visitations. One was a man knocking at his door. He answered and looked down to see that the man had hooves. Then he looked up again and the man was a demon with horns. It literally almost choked him to death. His family intervened in time to find him struggling against the invisible force.

The hooves replaced the hands, which to me might mean that her power to act has been overtaken by a demonic force. Not sure there, just a thought.

I would say this was a picture of demonic invasion, and though she may try to fight against it she is at the point where she is pinned to the ground and needs outside assistance to be free again, ie spiritual warfare.
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Post by naveah »

Delta Dawn

Prayed for Sarah in the Spirit I sensed this is a warfare dream. Prayers going up answers coming down. Thank you Lord Jesus.
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Post by DeltaDawn »

Thank you all for your replies.

Just a note regarding Sarah's daughter Danielle ... She once was deeply involved in church and had the Baptism in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues (raised Pentecostal.) I used to be sort of close to Danielle before I married and moved 75 miles away. Once a couple of years ago when we got together, she made several remarks about Wicca and witches. We sort of joked about it, but I got the feeling she was serious.

The next time I talk to Sarah I will ask her what impression she got regarding the throng of people around Danielle. I don't know if they were actual people criticizing Danielle's lifestyle, or demonic spirits keeping her pinned to the ground, or something else I haven't thought about. ???

One other thought just came to mind regarding the way she looked on the ground in Sarah's dream ... when Danielle was in school, she won a beauty pageant, she was a cheerleader, and on the danceline. She had the sweetest spirit and people were drawn to her. She is SO the opposite of any of that now in appearance and temperment.

Thanks for your prayers. ~Kim
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Post by connie »

Hi Kim and Sarah,

My offerings for your prayerful consideration. I read this dream yesterday and felt my heart fill with the Lord's compassion for Sarah and her daughter. What i saw or sensed about the mob casting down the daughter was this was an attack of condemnation on the daughter's person.. not an attack against the sin itself although sin does have it's consequences to bare.. The adulteress woman who was threatened by the mob and whom Jesus protected came immediately to mind. She was caught in her sin yet Jesus had compassion on her. The Lord loves Sarah's daughter and I had a sense of the Lord indicating there was a need to see the daughter as He sees her and to love her but not the sin.

I agree with kse regarding the daughter's appearance as an indicator of how she is in bondage to demonic influences and needs spiritual warfare to set her free and release the Holy Spirit of Truth to her. As I read the mother's chant, "I told you".. I saw it written as, "I Truth you" like she was using the Word of God and speaking forth life & freedom to her daughter.

I understand that 'sick feeling in one's spirit'.. as I have experienced it myself during times of horrified shock at the evil done to my innocent loved ones. I pray the Lord brings healing to your spirit Sarah and Great Grace & wisdom be within you as He leads you in how to minister to your daughter to bring her into a state of restoration with her Lord.

I sense the Spirit of the Lord manifesting with Peace, and I sense the Lord wants to whisper in your ear. I hear Him saying, "Trust Me. I have a plan for your child. She is not lost forever. She is mine yesterday, today and forever."

If you can mentally (in your mind) seperate your daughter from the sin and the evil spirits influencing her, you will be able to effectively war against the enemy and maintain your own peace of mind and heart. Don't let appearances and circumstances influence your trust and faith in the Lord's ability to deliver and save.

The Lord is with you and with your loved ones Sarah. Bless you in Jesus Name

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Post by delightsinhim »

My heart hurts for Sarah's daughter and I am praying in my spirit tearfully. I echo concerns that there is a major spiritual battle going on...He is right there with her, waiting. I was drawn to this post and it is obvious why now, I will be praying though this.
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Post by Lily_Rose_Song »

DeltaDawn wrote:Once a couple of years ago when we got together, she made several remarks about Wicca and witches. We sort of joked about it, but I got the feeling she was serious. ...Thanks for your prayers. ~Kim
Hi DeltaDawn,

This dream is an URGENT call to prayer for Danielle!!!! Like the others who commented, I think Danielle may be in serious danger spiritually. I believe Danielle may be being led in a way that will draw her into demon worship and witchcraft. I believe this dream reveals that she may fall into worship of the pagan god Pan and be influenced by the demonic power behind the pagan deity. (See research notes below.)

Please give Sarah this message: Please DO NOT be afraid to talk to your husband about this—do not withhold it from him. You should tell him and then pray WITH him for your precious daughter. The Bible PROMISES: Where two or more agree about what they ask in prayer, It SHALL be done for them!!! Danielle needs the combined prayers of her parents and those who know and love her (and us!) to free her from the grip of this powerful demon(s).

When I first read this, what came to me was that her appearance in the dream sounded like it resembled a mythological creature, so I went looking. The characteristics Sarah saw on her daughter resemble those of a Satyr and the god Pan, which have characteristics similar to a goat: a beard, hooves, a black hairy body, and as it “matures,” it eventually develops horns. Satan has even been depicted this way.

Danielle’s head was shaved – She lost her covering
Black hair is beginning to grow in – the demon god Pan is covered with black hair; perhaps she is taking on the “covering” of the demon god Pan.
“I TOLD YOU, I TOLD YOU, I TOLD YOU!!!” – Danielle was once very involved with church. I think this shows Sarah reminding her daughter of the truth of God and of the things she learned and the faith she was raised in. The fact that Sarah is shouting this, I believe means that she needs to come across “loud and clear” so Danielle will hear her.
Giving Danielle the scriptures – I think this is pretty “up front.” Sarah needs to give her daughter Danielle the scriptures. There is healing in the Word of God.
Danielle is cast down - but God can lift her up!

The devil may be casting down Danielle, but God is still on His throne!!! Here’s a scripture of encouragement for Sarah and Danielle: Psalm 42:11, "Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my help and my God."

God is in the business of saving the fallen and healing the broken--and He's GOOD at it! Do not lose heart. He will be your help and your shield.

With heartfelt prayer,

THE RESEARCH- Here’s what I found:
A quote from ... myGoat.asp
“The Devil was believed to be able to transform into a goat at will and has long been portrayed in paintings and folklore to have cloven hoofs and horns just like a goat. ... Pan, the Greek god of pastures, flocks and shepherds, had the legs, horns and beard of a goat. ...” And the ‘flip side’: “...The hair and hoof of a goat were once thought to provide protection against seeing the Devil, warning him that this is what would happen to him if ventured further to test the faith of the farmer or goat owner. ... The hair or hoof was thought to act as a form of talisman, a protection, and a warning sign. ...”
Also: From
Pan is widely worshipped by Neopagans and Wiccans today, where he is considered a powerful deity and an archetype of male virility and sexuality, called the Horned God. ... “Pan inspired sudden fear in lonely places, Panic (panikon deima). Following the Titans' assault on Olympus, Pan claimed credit for the victory of the gods because he had inspired disorder and fear in the attackers resulting in the word 'panic' to describe these emotions. Of course, Pan was later known for his music, capable of arousing inspiration, sexuality, or panic, depending on his intentions.” ... The article goes on to mention, “his hairy black goat form”

Warning! If you’re interested in looking into this – be cautious! It didn’t take much research before I happened upon some vile perversion.

Just a thought – I wonder if our modern fascination with and enjoyment of mythology and mythological creatures may open us up to influence by the evil powers behind them.

P.S. I very much appreciate everyone's heartfelt and insightfelt comments on this. I always learn much from you. Thank you all.
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Post by DeltaDawn »

Wow! Thank you all so much for your insight and prayers! I will have the opportunity to see Sarah this weekend. I know the Lord is at work here. What a blessing and encouragment it will be to come back and give the report that Danielle has been delivered from the clutch of satan! God is on His Throne! I praise Him for His mighty acts! ~Kim
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Post by kse »

Wow Lily! That was some research. Kim, also continuing to pray for Danielle...
"Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not." Jeremiah 33:3