Neighbor and her child killed

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Neighbor and her child killed

Post by Luke145Woman »

Our neighbors are a cute couple in their mid-30s (Mary and Jeremy) with a 2 yr old girl and a 2 mo old boy. In the dream, Mary and I went shopping in separate cars and she had the little girl with her. After I got home someone pounded on the door. It was Mary's dad. He started beating on me, screaming "How could you have done it???" Turns out Mary and the girl were killed in a car accident :shock: and the father blamed me since I was the last one to be with them.

The rest of the dream was about the ensuing weeks... seeing the mangled car parked outside their house, watching Jeremy walking around like a zombie, seeing him trying to take care of the newborn baby, and of me trying to help him. :(

Of course, when I woke up from the dream I prayed over the family. I am seeking God to know 1. if the dream was from Him, 2. what is it telling me?, and 3. what am I to do about it? Please let me know if you get anything that might help. Thanks!
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Post by peggyo »

Luke 145 woman:

Do you have complete details of this dream written out? If there is more complete detail, will you give it?

Praying for revelation~
Thanks and GB,
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Post by Luke145Woman »

What I posted was really the bulk of the detail.

Their car is always parked across the street from their house so I can see it. In the dream I kept seeing it with the driver side all smashed a constant reminder of her death. The husband was totally in zombie mode - shell-shocked from the death of his wife and daughter. He was trying to take care of his infant son but he didn't know how really, so I kept trying to take care of the baby for him. I also know I felt a false guilt that it was my fault because I was the last one to see the wife alive and her father in the dream kept accusing me that it was my fault.

In real life, the couple is Catholic. We don't know them well. We have bought them gifts for their children and do general chit-chat, but haven't gotten in depth conversationally with them.
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Post by peggyo »

Luke 145:

I was just wondering if you were seeing this out your front door. I've had dreams before about neighbors where I was looking out my front door or on the front lawn and it had to do with something prophetic--a foretelling of the future.

I definitely see your dream as a warning to pray for her and child but also to guard your heart from accusation. The fate of someone else's life is NOT in your hands. Your only responsibility is to pray for her and her family and do whatever else you believe God is telling you to do.

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Post by Luke145Woman »

Thank you, Peggyo... that is about all I can do I guess.

I just know that most of the times dreaming of other people is actually dreaming about aspects of ones' self. But, in this case I think it really is a call to pray.
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Post by Lillian »

If I may offer my thoughts, and please toss if it does not bare witness.....

We are the body of Christ and He is the head and we move according to His Word by the enabling power of the Holy Spirit that works mightily within us. So in a sense we have more responsibility to people than we think.
Jesus is not going to do anything until He returns, which is why He told the disciples and everyone who would subsequently believe in Him to go and make disciples.

Since He is the head we must see that we are His hands and His feet; His arms and His legs, His body, His love in action. I just want to encourage you to seek His face regarding His will for those people, because evidently, His head is thinking about them and I believe your dream is a call for you to, yes, pray but also to do as He leads you.

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. I know that people of the Catholic faith are bound in religion and a lot of them don't have a working knowledge of the Word of God because they rely on the priests for a lot of things, but praise the Lord we have a faithful High Priest that we are in COVENANT with, and in that covenant we also have responsibilities.

Hebrews 4:
14 Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. 15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin. 16 Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

Be blessed.
He's not a baby in a manger anymore! He's not a broken man on a cross! He didn't stay in the grave and He's not staying in heaven forever!.....He's alive!....People get ready Jesus is coming!
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Post by Truth Seeker »


I agree with PO that this dream is a warning dream. I also beleive that you have the authority to speak protection in the atmosphere for this family.

I would not only continue in intercession for this family and part of that intercession is commanding the angels assigned to this family to protect them from all hurt, harm or danger.

The father with the accusations seems to be of the enemy to falsely accuse you.

Prayfully consider about if you should share the dream with this lady.
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Post by Warrior Princess »

I'm thinking that the Lord may be letting you know that he wants you to be a little more intentional about reaching these people?
~Warrior Princess
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Post by spoken4 »

You have covered this couple in prayer in case this has litteral meaning. So, this is just looking at it in a symbolic way. Please trash all that does not bear witness with your spirit!!!

Symbolically speaking, a Neighbor lives in close proximity to you, so it could refer to someone who you are close to going through a time of great grief or almost seeming to be "drowning in their sorrow". It could be that this is something you that will see happen, up close and personal, the evidence of the damage done clearly in front of you. It could be a warning of a violent blow to a ministry or someone close to you that God is forewarning you about. It seems one, in their grief over their loss, was looking to lay blame at your feet...almost like assuming you were guilty by association, type thing. I say that because you were in "seperate" cars even though you went to the same place to shop, you clearly did not operate in the same thing. (vehicle)
A baby can represent something that God has birthed that is still in its early stages...and you felt called to help this man take care of his "baby" (ministry maybe)during this time....
This was definitly a warning and a call to pray. Possibly, also A warning of personal attack on you when a "death blow" comes to someone who is close to you!! (possibly, one who you are also in close covenant with..referencing maybe the element in your other dream)

The name Jeremy means, "God will raise up", "God has exalted" and "God will set free"...

This was definitly a warning and a call to pray!!!
Again please trash all that does not bear witness!! The holy spirit is our inner witness and the interpretation belongs to God alone!!

May God keep you and Bless you and shine down His revelation on you in Jesus name!!!