Large womb on the head, Hospital and open door to heaven

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Large womb on the head, Hospital and open door to heaven

Post by Counted4Him »


I was in my home and I discovered I had a large open womb on my head. I tell my kids I have to go to the emergency room because my head was open about three inches wide and 3"deep but clean no blood but I could see my brain. Next theres an ambulance and I think it took me to the hospital. I am in a waiting room area for pre-operation. I see other patients and myself in these lt. blue hospital short robes also waiting. A doctor unseen comes in he says it's time to pray everyone forms a prayer circle chain.

Next I say to the unseen doctor I need to be operated on and this unseen surgeon says to me, "I will operate but I don't know if you will make it" meaning the operation. I am still very peaceful throughout the dream and not concern because I know I will be with the Lord and I have full confidence in this surgeons hands. I say "do what you have to do I need to be stiched up". I then turn and rip off a piece of paper from someones pad being worry about my kids and I decided to write my will. It's now that I am walking up pass the pre-operating waiting room into another room with an openway but no door. There was a tremendous bright light and its the door to heaven and I start to walk towards it then I awake.
This dream continued from when I woke up briefly it was twice but continued from when it first started. Any thoughts please! Thanks.

God bless!
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Re: Large womb on the head, Hospital and open door to heaven

Post by charlie »

Counted4Him wrote:Hello,

I had a large open womb on my head. you mean womb here or wound? When I read the title I thought wow what a symbol womb on head but reading the dream it sounds more like you are describing an open wound? Will get back when clear...

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by ditte3 »


What did you feel about it?Did you think about it as a sickness,or something "being born"?

I pray about your dream.
God bless you. :)
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Re: Large womb on the head, Hospital and open door to heaven

Post by Counted4Him »


Oh, my goodness I did not realize what I wrote, I meant wound. It was a huge slit a open wound in my head, clean about 3" wide and deep I even was trying to touch it but was seeing it up close. Sorry about that.


To be honest I was just wondering how I even got that huge open wound. I did think it had to do with my mind when I woke up like my thoughts are being wounded (trying to sort and understand something). However, pass the part in the waiting room with other patients I just don't know but thought we were dress in the color of heaven now that I remember. I was not scared very peaceful. I was the only one who went through that door to another room, and found that openway without a door directly in front of me and knew it was heaven, I was ready to go through and knew it was the door to heaven left open for me, just don't have any clue what it all means. Hope this clears things more.
Just can't stop thinking of this dream.

Thank you, for anymore feedback. Blessings!
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Post by charlie »

Counted...thanks for clarifying!

Very interesting dream. The passage of scripture which comes to mind is this one:

Romans 12

Living Sacrifices

1Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual[a] act of worship. 2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

I am seeing the surgeon as Abba, the expert healer and renewer. It seems like a good dream in that you recognise the wound (ie don't ignore or try to deal with it ineffectively on your own etc) and you go to the Expert and Annointed One for healing. The dimensions of the wound have the ring of the divine which could suggest that you were already prepped for surgery (ie submitted to the process of renewal and healing) but needed to get to the operating room . The fact that your brain was exposed suggests that an area of thinking perhaps has been exposed maybe...?

It also occurs to me that the head may for you also carry the symbolic meaning of your husband which could be your natural husband (if you have one) or in fact Jesus. As head of the true church Jesus had to become a living sacrifice and as his body we are enjoined to do the same for the sake of the kingdom and in doing so we will be glorified even as He was glorified by the Father...

Certainly a dream to pray into and meditate are on an important journey for sure. The fact that in your dream you felt the need to prepare to pass on your inheritance (prepare your will) may be a reminder to get certain things in order so that you can move on...

As ever toss the irrelevant.

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by Counted4Him »


The renewing of your mind.

Romans 12 is very fitting and I felt that this (my mind - the way I perceive things have to be corrected). Have been overly concern with a situation that I was encountering and I did also think the surgeon was the Lord. The head again would be Jesus as our Head of Household.
Certainly a dream to pray into and meditate are on an important journey for sure. The fact that in your dream you felt the need to prepare to pass on your inheritance (prepare your will) may be a reminder to get certain things in order so that you can move on...
It' so funny reading this because it pins point the journey as it seems to me my life journey. I am trying to leave my young teens ready and rooted as much as I can just in case I am not around because we never know when were call to come home. My will is that they are in church and fill with knowledge of the Lord so they have something to battle with. Ironcially I went for a bi-ops (sp?) yesterday so sore in my neck today but I strongly know it will be normal as the Lord showed me in a dream before I even was scheduled for this.

I visited a church invited by a prophet and after service the pastor prophesied over my son, and I felt she was off and she told me my gift was "sleeping" so I became concern not giving an idea what she was talking bout and have gotten no answers yet. I attend my church I was just visiting. Not sure if the head part means I am wounded because of all thats deep in my mind (brain). When this prophet came to my home a second time. After she left, I started to see angelic activity, faintly there was a lot of movement going on, I know angels were there it was like busy in one areas where I sat. I just got one question not sure it fits here, how do we know when someone speaks over us, if its the Lord in instances like this. I did not feel right I was upset and so thought, humm the peace is gone it may not be right more she wanted to make us members of her church. She spoke to us like when we come back as if the decision was already made. The lady prophet told me "she probabllly saw your gift" I said, what gift was that? They never got back to me as she stated. Just wanted to know if this was sound and maybe I have to get my mind together and not be distracted in order to move on to the things of God?? I want to be very careful to not judge the Lords anointed but not sure. I don't know if the Lord is now calling me to attend that church and I really prefer my church for now been there years. Whats "sleeping" in terms of my gift? Don't understand that and never had anyone tell me that before? Should I believe that word? Thanks.

Thanks so much, so much for sharing. God bless!
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Post by WaitingforHim »

I was in my home and I discovered I had a large open womb on my head. I tell my kids I have to go to the emergency room because my head was open about three inches wide and 3"deep but clean no blood but I could see my brain. Next theres an ambulance and I think it took me to the hospital. I am in a waiting room area for pre-operation. I see other patients and myself in these lt. blue hospital short robes also waiting. A doctor unseen comes in he says it's time to pray everyone forms a prayer circle chain.

The wound on your head to me represents emotionally wounds. The Lord may have already exposed to you what some of them are (brain). And He is showing you that He wants you to come to Him for healing. The fact that an ambulance took you makes me think the Lord is going to bring you to this place of healing..its nothing you can do on your own. There are lots of others where you are currently at (home, church) that are dealing with emotional wounds. Its seems that the Lord is about to bring a healing to this more than one person..The Lord is calling you and those that are around you (your church?) into intercession..for a healing revival possibly? Its very possible that you are symbollic of your head/pastor or church. Are you an intercessor at your church?

Next I say to the unseen doctor I need to be operated on and this unseen surgeon says to me, "I will operate but I don't know if you will make it" meaning the operation. I am still very peaceful throughout the dream and not concern because I know I will be with the Lord and I have full confidence in this surgeons hands. I say "do what you have to do I need to be stiched up". I then turn and rip off a piece of paper from someones pad being worry about my kids and I decided to write my will. It's now that I am walking up pass the pre-operating waiting room into another room with an openway but no door. There was a tremendous bright light and its the door to heaven and I start to walk towards it then I awake.
This dream continued from when I woke up briefly it was twice but continued from when it first started. Any thoughts please! Thanks.
I believe this is speaking of a dying to yourself. To whom much is given much is required. You are peaceful because you trust that God is in control and you know the benefits of dying to ourselves are far greater than the price we are having to pay. You are surrendered to the Lord. The will I believe speaks of "YOUR WILL" ..You are surrendering YOUR WILL for the LORD'S!~ You realize that its a MUST in order to see your inheritance and for your children to see theirs! Seeing that as you do this, the Lord is going to open an amazing door for you! One of revelation(light) and healing and a door that cannot shut!

I believe this dream is about your church also..just feeling this..But you have a HUGE role in what God is wanting to do..but He is requiring more of you...
Love you.
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Post by Counted4Him »


Yes, I am in the Intercessory prayer group and I pray a lot.
its nothing you can do on your own
These words brought me comfort, I felt a weight just come off, thank you!
Dying to myself, thanks. I also know by what you said, my place to stay is my current church. This speaks volumes to me coupled by the other posts I am starting to understand more. I felt it had to do with the way I process things and overwhelm myself. My young teens are drawing to the Lord again. Theres a lot of motherly tense and joy going on too. I can identify with a lot and the healing thats needed in our church. Thanks.

Thanks to you all.
Praying. God bless!