2 Dreams Benny Hinn and Ice Skating

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2 Dreams Benny Hinn and Ice Skating

Post by eagle »

Hi it's been a very long time since I've been on so hello to those who remember me.

I had two dreams. One dream Benny Hinn was ministering to a class and I was in the class and he wanted us to finish a sentence like to get us to not think about what we wanted to do for the Lord but let it just come out of us. He asked me and my reply was to show His power and love and so he wrote it down then another girl said power and he wrote down power manifestations. I questioned whether I should have said manifestations but she didn't so I don't know if it really made a difference or not.

Second dream I was figure skating (which I don't ice skate in the natural) and I was a pro beyond pros. I was amazed at how I could do all these strategic stunts and so forth. It was exciting but as I just did it was like it was natural to me although I didn't even know I could do it. When the time came and everyone lined up the winner position was opened but I didn't go there but it was available for me to stand there. I went to the back somewhere in line and a woman came up to me with white flowers and blue leaves declaring I was the winner. I didn't know I was the winner although I knew I did quite well on the ice. Another girl came up to me saying how she specifically picked those flowers but like she was saying for me. I was so happy.

Understand last night I went to sleep and I prayed before I went to sleep and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal anything that He needs to in my heart to deal with. I was feeling kind of down yesterday and wasn't sure what was bothering me I just was seeking truth and I had these two dreams. I had a few others but they don'[t come to my mind readily I kind of can see what happened but not clear in the order or structure of the dreams.

Thanks for any help. Blessings.
Many nations will come and say, "Come and let us go up
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Post by Truth Seeker »

I had two dreams. One dream Benny Hinn was ministering to a class and I was in the class and he wanted us to finish a sentence like to get us to not think about what we wanted to do for the Lord but let it just come out of us. He asked me and my reply was to show His power and love and so he wrote it down then another girl said power and he wrote down power manifestations. I questioned whether I should have said manifestations but she didn't so I don't know if it really made a difference or not.
I believe God is training you to move in the power of the Holy Spirit were His power will be manifested through you.
Second dream I was figure skating (which I don't ice skate in the natural) and I was a pro beyond pros. I was amazed at how I could do all these strategic stunts and so forth. It was exciting but as I just did it was like it was natural to me although I didn't even know I could do it. When the time came and everyone lined up the winner position was opened but I didn't go there but it was available for me to stand there. I went to the back somewhere in line and a woman came up to me with white flowers and blue leaves declaring I was the winner. I didn't know I was the winner although I knew I did quite well on the ice. Another girl came up to me saying how she specifically picked those flowers but like she was saying for me. I was so happy.
I believe both dreams are connected, the first dream seems to deal with Gods purpose for you and the second dream deals with an actual task or assignment. Ice skating takes a lot of skill and knowledge of the ice, how to move and in which direction at different times (this takes the Holy Spirits guidence).

You're going to be recognized in a great way IRL because you allowed the Holy Spirit to lead you.

AWESOME DREAM.............

TS Welcome Back to the Board.
Truth Seeker
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Post by eagle »

Thank you Truth Seeker. Quite comforting and ecouraging interp I appreciate it you don't know how much I needed to hear that.
Many nations will come and say, "Come and let us go up
to the mountain of the LORD And to the house of the God of Jacob, That He may teach us about His ways And that we
may walk in His paths." Mic 4:2
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Post by Truth Seeker »


I thank God for you and everyone on this board, because together in agreement with the guidence of the Holy Spirit, the Body of Christ can not only move forward but we can get closer to becoming that one new man that the bible talks about.

Truth Seeker
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Post by eagle »

Amen Truth Seeker I agree
Many nations will come and say, "Come and let us go up
to the mountain of the LORD And to the house of the God of Jacob, That He may teach us about His ways And that we
may walk in His paths." Mic 4:2