Dream of Pregnancy and Labor

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Dream of Pregnancy and Labor

Post by lainey68 »

I thought I posted this already, but maybe not.

I had this dream last night. I've forgotten bits of it, but remember some of it.

Anyway, I dreamt that I wanted to be pregnant. I wanted to tell people I was pregnant, but people in my life were telling me to not say anything yet. I was frustrated with them for not wanting me to share my good news because I was so excited at the prospect of being pregnant.

Then suddenly I was pregnant. I was very excited, and the baby began to grow. I started getting very uncomfortable as the time for delivery came closer. I wanted my mother and the midwife to be with me and take me to the delivery room, but they were telling me it wasn't time for the baby to be delivered. I was going through extreme labor pains and it was very difficult and hard. I was getting worried, yet the people who were there to help me were calm and quiet. I was also getting annoyed because they were saying it wasn't time yet, but I was huge and my water broke.

Then, the midwife came and FINALLY said it was time.

I woke up before I went into labor. When I woke up I felt exhausted and very frustrated. I think this dream means that I am trying to give birth to something. what, I don't know. I just know that it was difficult. I've never FELT a dream quite like this before. I woke up and I couldn't figure out what it pertains to. I know in my life there are a couple of areas that are really frustrating to me, like my job, but I'm also wondering if this has anything to do with a specific ministry?

Post by Joy2dream »

As always, please consider with prayer:

Anyway, I dreamt that I wanted to be pregnant. I wanted to tell people I was pregnant, but people in my life were telling me to not say anything yet. I was frustrated with them for not wanting me to share my good news because I was so excited at the prospect of being pregnant.
This reminds me of how older women especially do in real life when a young lady becomes pregnant. Often they will say don't talk about it yet, wait and see if you are going to carry it first.
So I wonder if this part of the dream is reflecting that attitude, one of knowing you are indeed pregnant but feeling pressured not to speak of the baby yet because of the fear of failing.

Then suddenly I was pregnant. I was very excited, and the baby began to grow. I started getting very uncomfortable as the time for delivery came closer. I wanted my mother and the midwife to be with me and take me to the delivery room, but they were telling me it wasn't time for the baby to be delivered. I was going through extreme labor pains and it was very difficult and hard. I was getting worried, yet the people who were there to help me were calm and quiet. I was also getting annoyed because they were saying it wasn't time yet, but I was huge and my water broke.
Seeing this part as your desire coming true and the time of delivery is nearing. Seeing your mother and midwife as perhaps the church and a mentor? They have been through this before and they are calm as they should be, however I think that the labor and delivery are getting confused here. I think perhaps you seeing/feeling the labor pains are perhaps better able to discern the time of delivery.

Then, the midwife came and FINALLY said it was time.
Seeing this as your release into the ministry/gifting by your mentor.

Interp: I think this dream is letting you know that your desire has been heard against all odds and that the baby/ministry/gifts are growing and you will soon begin to feel the labor pains. You will know the time of delivery is near even before the church or the mentor realizes it, however the baby will be born.
