a woman pulled my wig off

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a woman pulled my wig off

Post by Determined2Grow »


I was standing in line and the women in front of me were like the matriarchs (older grey hair women) about 3 to 4 were seated in front of me in this long line. We were all waiting in line. I was about the 5th person waiting in line seated with the matriarchs seated behind them.

Other women were standing in back of me waiting in this line. The women behind me start messing with my hair as if they liked it and then one of the ladies grabbed my hair into a ponytail and lifts my wig up off of my head and the other women start laughing at me. I am surprised at what happened becuase they were pretending to like my hair only to get me comfortable with them and my gaurd was down and when I least expected it they pull off my wig. I was so embarrassed and upset and I went to one of the ladies (her and her sister were standing in line together) and I slap the woman's face who instigated the whole thing (she was a girl who was from my childhood who I was very good friends with in high school).

I am embarrassed that my real hair is exposed and that I reacted in such a way. I go to the bathroom where all of the matriarchs are and they tell me some things I can't remember). But I remember asking one of them for a hair brush to comb out my wig. One of the grey hair women gives me her brush and told me she usually doesn't let anyone use it but that I could use it. I grab the hair brush and it turns into a toothbrush and I am looking in the mirror brushing my teeth.

I remember the matriarchs telling me to go back out there and get back in line. I remember not wanting to but they told me I needed to back in line and get back in my spot. (Also they were discussing things they went through when they were younger) They witnessed the whole incident.

I go back to get in line and the women tell me that the lady I slapped was going to be waiting outside to fight me and I told the women with boldness that "I'm ready for her because I have something waiting for her also". But deep down inside I am scared but I don't show it to them.

Is this a warning dream about someone attacking me?
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Post by WingsofHealing »

i "think" this is what is going on in the spirit.
i just posted something in the discussion thread about praying for me. Nearly exactly like your dream
MANY of us close to a breakthrough or either just had a victory, are being BOMBARDED with spiritual attacks through others around us, (not demon possesed people so to speak but friends and just people) i believe not so important what is happening in the dream, but be communicating with the Lord Himself and have quiet times. a wig could represent your covering but is it a true covering.
have you been attacked in life from others about how you look, dress or even speak. Do you fit in?
your dream is so like what i am experiencing right now, and i am just to FOCUS on HIM.
sis, i will be praying for you.
oh also, childhood and highschool, the Lord IS bringing stuff up from the past, in your alone time and OUT LOUD, tell HIM how that made you feel and forgive the ones who made you feel worthless
May we ALL FIND the healing in the Lords wings and be still to absorb all we can.
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Post by Determined2Grow »

Healing thank you for replying!

I am experiencing unbelievable warfare to the point of questioning every move I make and every word I speak. I have just taken on new responsiblities. I agree that prayer and alone time with the Lord is a must. I am standing on His word that the good work He has began in me He shall complete it! I will watch and pray. :shock: Thank you for taking the time to respond and for your prayers.
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Post by Determined2Grow »

"Lord lead me to that secret place where I am encircled by the abundance of Your love and manifested presence.....A place where I thirst to go and never want to leave"
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Post by charlie »

Praying for full revelation....understanding what the wig represents is key. Do you see it as being like a mask...covering your perceived inadequacy? In which case it suggests that those who you sit amongst have a loveless "truth telling" (exposing the false but in a loveless way).....what makes you re-post after so long?

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by Determined2Grow »

Hi Charlie-

Thank you for posting! LOL that is a good question "what brings me back to this dream?" This dream has been tugging on my heart. I believe it has something to do with where I am at in this season. Sometimes the message in the dream is not a right now but a future time or what is to come....LOL!! I hope that make sense.

Wig ....could mean a covering
Comb/brush.....meaning straighting things out?
I get that the hands trying to expose (me or my covering?!!) ...not sure.

Yes you are correct a "lot of loveless truth telling"....boy oh boy did my bell go off! :mrgreen: And yes to the covering of inadequacy.

Thank you for posting! Many Blessing to you.
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Post by Realisticdreamz »

Greetings Determined2Grow :)

I have prayed about your dream and have meditated on it off and on and this is what I feel the "overall" meaning of your dream is... you will know if it fits. :)

What comes to mind is that it is about a warning and lessons during a transitionary period you are going through [sitting in between the elder ladies, wise, and the younger ones, learning].

This may be about a situation that you face [and a temption to get out of line], listen to the "spiritually mature" whose works are in wisdom, love and honor.

The elder women are the ones you learn the lesson from... they advise and guide you out of love in the restroom [cleansing, renewing] with wisdom from what they have already learned, having been through the same.

Do not let it rob you of what God had planned for you; not letting it affect your testimony and faith [get back in line]. :)

I can't help but think that the wig is part of the lesson but that may be because of a dream of a wig I had. The wig in my dream represented a temptation and what would come if I put it on and what was behind it. The dream helped me recognize what was coming and I recognized the situation when it came and I faced it with the Word of God.

Now I am not saying that the wig is the same... but the wig itself may reflect a situation to watch out for. If so, when the time comes, you will recognize it and will handle the situation with the wisdom of the Lord. :)

The Lord never ceases to amaze me with the mercy and guidance that He uses to help us!

Isaiah 9:15 The elder and honorable, he is the head;
The prophet who teaches lies, he is the tail.

Proverbs 16:
28 A perverse man sows strife,
And a whisperer separates the best of friends.
29 A violent man entices his neighbor,
And leads him in a way that is not good.
30 He winks his eye to devise perverse things;
He purses his lips and brings about evil.
31 The silver-haired head is a crown of glory,
If it is found in the way of righteousness.
32 He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty,
And he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.

33 The lot is cast into the lap,
But its every decision is from the LORD.

Luke 12:6 “Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God. 7 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.

I hope this helps... of course take it to the Lord and pitch what does not confirm in your spirit. :)

May the Lord's grace and honor be with you and may He continue to lead you with the wisdom of His Holy Spirit.
With love in Christ,

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21
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