
Archives for 2008
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Post by Blessings »

I was at a funeral. There were two coffins. Somehow I knew that these were two young women or teenaged girls. I also knew that they were from different families and they died by different causes. One seemed to have died in an accident and the other by natural causes. At first I was there, in the church. But then it seemed as if I was observing it on TV. One of my kids mentioned the name Christina. I do happen to know a few young women by that name. But for some reason I felt a little detached from this funeral. Also on the scene came an RC priest. This seemed strange because I am not Roman Catholic. At that point the dream ended.
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Post by WaitingforHim »

I am praying for revelation to this dream...have you received anything from the Lord on it?

The only thing that is coming to me so far is this may be about two generations or two different churches..families..

Also wondering if the name christina depicts that they will be "Christian" churches and wondering if the RomanCatholic Priest has anything to do with "Religious Leaders"..not sure...just some thoughts..I will continue to pray because I do believe the Lord is giving you a revelatory dream to pray into...

Love you.
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Post by Blessings »

Thanks WFH, Christina- Christian. That is cool, really. I am praying about it.
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Post by Blessings »

Friends, this dream may be more literal. I pray that it is not. I have a niece Christina who was in a car accident on Sunday afternoon. The accident claimed the life of her niece as well as a family friend. Christina is fighting for her life right now. The next forty-eight hours are critical. Another young woman I know by the name of Christina has an undiagnosed illness. Please pray for these two Christinas. Pray that this dream does not come true.
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Post by Blessings »

I was just going over my dreams of the past. It has been two years since this dream. My niece Christina did die the following day. But I want you to know that as a result many young people came to the Lord. Her life was amazing and her testimony written in her journals touched so many young lives. I don't understand the RC part of the dream because the funeral service that was recorded on video for my sake was very anointed.

I'm not in touch with the other Christina so I do not know how she is doing.

Post by anyamanee »

wow sounds a bit like a dream i once had. i dreamed that my sister's unborn child came out and spoke to me, "you better pray for me, I'm in a bad way" he said.

A short time later she was in a car accident -- a roll over and she hung upside down hanging by the seat belt. Freaky accident; and the baby died. It was a boy (we didn't know before the birth)

And, in addition, I wasn't yet fully following Jesus yet; though had prayed at a youth camp type thing at age 16...