Hello and a Vision

Archives for 2007
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Post by Mona »

Still pondering about this vision and it has been on my mind.

The other day I ran into a phrase, "Stations of the Cross" looked it up and found that it is a Catholic teaching of the cross. Still gathering and pondering.

Then just the other night I had another vision. I saw my left ring finger that had a white plastic cap on the tip and two wires were coming out on either of the cap. One was red and the other was black. So how I believe there is a link about these wires.

I found some photos that were similar to the vision of the telephone poles, The setting of my vision was in the peak of the mountains. It was a paved mountain top road that I could see into the distance and weaved a few turns. I was directly above the road as though flying about a hundred feet as so. It was though I could see ahead. The enviroment reminded me of the state I live in now and was a rain forest environment. I know evergreen trees where in the background scenery as it was a road that went through the mountain tops. Even though it had a very green background and setting, it looked like it was a dreary day. The road as I saw it was paved and at low level that raised to a higher elevated level as traveling toward an incline .

Here's the photos that reminded me of the vision:

http://www.fotosearch.com/bigcomp.asp?p ... 521206.jpg

http://www.fotosearch.com/bigcomp.asp?p ... T08089.JPG

http://www.art.com/asp/View_HighZoomRes ... height=671
Psalm 96:1
Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth.