Is she going to kill me?

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Is she going to kill me?

Post by connie »

Blessings on all.

This dream is from yesterday.. during one of my rare naps.

Dream took place in my mother-in-law's house. I was assisting & giving direction to someone to rearrange the furniture in the living room. The Living room was huge and tastefully decorated and furnished with antiques.

The project was to move a dining room table and the 6 chairs to a place directly underneath a chandelier. I helped to move the table set then stepped back to eye-ball the positioning. I told the person to move the table a fraction of an inch more so that it was directly aligned beneath the light fxiture. A second, smaller table and chair set also had to be moved to a different area.

The second set had 3-4 chairs and had to be moved onto a right (West)wall and positioned underneath a window. This table set appeared to be more casual/cozy although still an antique. The project had to be complete before my mother-in-law returned home.

I left the room to attend to something and when I returned, I discovered that the person moving the tables had moved several accessories, vases and ornamental pieces. The living room looked so disorderly. I was upset because I couldn't remember exactly where all the pieces had been. In addition, I didn't have the gift/talent for placing the vases & ornamental pieces in attractive spots. I felt overwhelmed and under great pressure to correct the problem before M-I-L arrived home.

Scene shift: I'm walking back into the living room through the Sun Room entrance. Mother-in-law is sitting in a rocking chair directly in front of the entrance. She's furiuously rocking back and forth. She had a large butcher's knife in her hand as she had been preparing supper. She was verbally violent; listing all my wrongdoings and demanding an explanation but not giving me an opportunity to answer. She was waving and shaking the knife in my direction.

My eye's watched the knife as I wondered if she would jump up and stab me. I very slowly backed away from her as far as I could while waiting for a break in her tirade so that I could speak or explain the mix-up of the living room arrangement. I also wanted to be able to make a quick dash for the door if I had to run from a knife attack. Her furious face was terrifying. I heard my father-in-law's say, Now Mother, as he attempted to cool down M-I-L (IRL he's with the Lord).

I awoke soaked in perspiration.

Mother-in-law appeared younger in the dream- about the age she was when I first met her.

Thank you in advance,

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Post by discerning »

For your prayerful consideration..

Seems to be both warning & encouragement, praise Him. I see you going about fulfilling your current assignment & being met with resistance from a religious spirit which attempts to hinder the process. You return from the sun/Son room (prayer) to be met with confrontation. You mother-in-law's age seems to be important here (?) but can't quite grasp it. Perhaps you know the relevancy?

Hope something here is useful. Praying you receive full revelation.


I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17
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Post by MJ »


I felt that the dining room table represents the portion you will receive from the Lord. You are careful in your dream to position the table under the light (God) at the exact right location. God is using you and will continue to do so.

It seems you will be receiving something special from the Lord which needs your cooperation and involvement. Don't try too hard to please others during this time. People never are 100 percent happy with how things go, even when it's obvious that the hand of God is directing it all.

The fact that your deceased father-in-law is in the dream seems to indicate there is help from the heavenlies during your darkest moment/hour.

Your dream seems like a mixture of promise and spiritual warfare, which usually go hand in hand anyway.

Blessings and hope this is helpful,

"Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." Galatians 1:3

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Post by connie »

Thank you for your input ladies. I've been waiting on the Lord for confirmation and while it seems to be a long wait .. in human terms, :D , the Lord has His reasons for the waiting period.

Discerning, I recently had a sequence of dreams (all in the same nap time :) ) wherein a religious spirit was operating through some 'scary looking' people.. I ran from that scenario just as I wanted to run/escape from the scene in this dream. I've been searching my own spiritual life and waiting on the Lord to reveal if I'm under the influence of this spirit in my walk.. He revealed the following: This spirit doesn't necessarily operate only within the confines of religious or 'spiritual' environments. I see how the business world has made Success and Money their god. They expect 'religious-like devotion, fervor and zealousness from others to the point of 'martyrdom' (burn out). In my workplace, there are several key managers who are talking about resigning and they are actively interviewing at other workplaces. I'm praying fervently over the situation.

My mother-in-law's age in the dream is relevant in that I remember what the 'old man' in her was like. The Lord has done an awesome work within her and she is definitely not like the person in the dream :D.

MJ, you are so right in that blessings and warfare often go hand in hand. I look forward to continuing to receive help from the heavenlies during the dark hours.. the Lord is so faithful.

Thank you again. The Lord bless and keep you.

His Love,
