Bible Stories Coming To Past: Aaron and Abraham Tests

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Bible Stories Coming To Past: Aaron and Abraham Tests

Post by Newbie »

This is my 12 year old daughter’s dream. The dream begins with an instruction from a “Voice”. My daughter stated that she knows that this voice is from God. She also stated that the most important stories in the Bible will come to pass in modern times. The woman in this dream is not me but another woman and her 2 children is my daughters IRL. My daughter stated the woman have some of the same features as me but she was not me. She was a different race altogether.

Voice: “You need to kill your two children now because everything in the bible is coming to past. Do not mourn over the death of your children or you will perish.”
The woman takes her “children” for a ride under the assumption that they are going to “school”. She drops off her 9 year old first at “school”. This school is the place where her daughter dies; her 9 year old walks towards the school. Then the woman drives off with her 14 year old daughter to her “school”. Her 14 year old daughter states that this is not her school, but the woman stated that it was indeed her school. Her 14 year old gets out and walks toward the school. The woman drives to a bus station and gets on the bus. The woman is saddened by the fate of her children. She cries a little but remembered that she cannot mourn their deaths. The woman wore glasses and she had a bag with her. The bag was either green or a beige/cream color, daughter is not sure about this.

Note: I know the passges of this in the Bible. Aaron was told not to mourn over his sons death because of what they did in the Tabernacle. Also, Abraham faith was tested, by taking his son to the mountain top and killing him. I got all of this but I am a bit perplexed and slightly fearful. Anyone that is being led by the Spirit please let me know what is being conveyed. Am I going to be tested in this capacity or was this a prophetic message of things to come to all? I am feeling dread right now. Thanks in advance to both the Spirit and the vessal of God.
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Post by cbutler »

Hello Newbie....

Read the dream..I can see why you would be fearful but not to worry. I know what this means. Your daughter is right. God is telling her that she will learn the old ways. The Oral Torah which teaches a person how to die to ones own desires and live to be pleasing to God.

Think on this and pray to see if I tell you Gods truth.
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Post by Newbie »

Thanks CB, I have been praying and pondering over this all day. So much so, she even asked me why do you I think it applies to me? I ask the acting minister of my church and both thought it might be a test of faith coming into play. But we both agreed that I may get an answer when one of us dream this evening, God willingly. Thanks CB you are a blessing.
God Bless
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Post by Four Years »

i agree with cbutler on this.
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Post by keilani »

This is my 12 year old daughter’s dream. The dream begins with an instruction from a “Voice”. My daughter stated that she knows that this voice is from God.

Voice: “You need to kill your two children now because everything in the bible is coming to past. Do not mourn over the death of your children or you will perish.”
Aloha Newbie,

I guess I would question why your daughter thought this voice was from God? This is not scriptural and maybe she needs to be corrected in her thinking? At that age, I recall not reading revelations because it scared me so much so I wonder if she is hearing some things that is causing this fear in her?

we know that Jesus prayed to the Father not to take us out of the world but to keep us from the evil one and that in this world we will have many troubles but not to worry for He has overcome the world.

I pray Holy Spirit will give you wisdom to talk to her and to address whatever it is that may be weighing on her mind. Shalom.
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Post by chrisy »

This dream concerns me for the following reasons:
Voice: “You need to kill your two children now because everything in the bible is coming to past. Do not mourn over the death of your children or you will perish.”
Jesus Christ came and died for our sins and we, as followers of Christ, have to die to self - "kill the old man" - we do NOT kill others. Each has to "die to self" - I cannot kill another person's desires - each of us has to kill our own desires...

Abraham was instructed to sacrifice his son as a foreshadow of what God was going to do to His only begotten son... this has been done - "it is finished". Remember that Abraham did NOT sacrifice Isaac because the Lord provided the animal for the sacrifice.
She also stated that the most important stories in the Bible will come to pass in modern times.
Yes, some prophecies have yet to be fulfilled.. but you stated that she said the most important stories will come to pass in modern times? I am very concerned with this statement...

What are the most important stories in the Bible? How do we qualify them?

(1) The prophecies of Jesus Christ's birth and resurrection?
(2) The selection of Abraham on whom God built a nation and all children of faith?
(3) The giving of the Torah? Bible?
(4) Moses and the deliverance of the nation of Israel from the Egyptians?
(5) The giving of the ten commandments? Etc, etc...

Could the children symbolize something?

Please pray and diligently seek the Lord about this dream.
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Post by Charys »

Hi Newbie,

I agree with Keilani and Chrisy. This "voice" does not have the ring of the voice of our loving shepherd, Jesus Christ, at all. He was the one sacrifice for all time.

Hebrews 10
5 Therefore, when Christ came into the world, he said:

"Sacrifice and offering you did not desire,
but a body you prepared for me;
6 with burnt offerings and sin offerings
you were not pleased.
7 Then I said, 'Here I am—it is written about me in the scroll—
I have come to do your will, O God.' "
8 First he said, "Sacrifices and offerings, burnt offerings and sin offerings you did not desire, nor were you pleased with them" (although the law required them to be made).
9 Then he said, "Here I am, I have come to do your will." He sets aside the first to establish the second.
10 And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
11 Day after day every priest stands and performs his religious duties; again and again he offers the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins.
12 But when this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God.
13 Since that time he waits for his enemies to be made his footstool,
14 because by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.

In John 17 Jesus says he guarded and protected the ones he was given and prays they will be further kept in His Father's name after He left this earth. Just by His example we know we are to guard and protect those He has given us to care for.

It takes a while for children to be able to distinguish the voice of the shepherd from the voice of the wolf. Here's a big clue:
I am feeling dread right now.
Where in scripture does Jesus promise dread? Nowhere! In fact he says over and over, "Fear not!" 1 John says if we are afraid we don't understand Him yet. Perfect love casts out fear --and this dream is full of fear of the wrong kind. 1 John is the same book that tells us not to believe every spirit, but test the spirits whether they be of God. We are also told in 1 John 5:3 that His commandments are NOT burdensome. What could be more horrendously burdensome than being commanded to kill your own children and not mourn for them?

The Old Testament stories were on the other side of the cross. We don't live there anymore.

In Abraham's case he prophesied that God Himself would provide a lamb. Abba did that as a picture of the Lamb of God demonstrated to Abraham what it would cost Him -God- to sacrifice His own son. That never needs to be done again.

No. This is not the voice of Jesus.

We believe that if a dream or vision does not line up with scripture we toss it out.

You know, it might be very helpful to sit down and read all of 1 John with your daughter. In fact I think it would be a good time for all of us who post on TD to sit down and read 1 John.

Praying for your sweet daughter and loving you to life,
...that I might know Him...
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Post by Jen »

Yes please know, even in the midst of a dire warning dream the Father never fills us with dread, but instead peace.. even in the midst of an urgency to intercede. The dread part is not from the Lord.
Seek Him on this dream. Perhaps it is symbolic and the enemy is coming in using your mothers instinct to fill you with dread to keep you from understanding the real meaning of this dream.

Shalom to you this night
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Post by Newbie »

Thank you for all for your reponses. But there is a bit of confusion, my daughter was not filedl withdread but I was filled dread. When she told me, Aaron and Abraham came to mind.
Leviticus 10:6, "Then Moses said to Aaron and his sons Eleazar and Ithamar, "Do not show grief by leaving your hair uncombed or by tearing your clothes. If you do, you will die, and the LORD's anger will strike the whole community of Israel. However, the rest of the Israelites, your relatives, may mourn because of the LORD's fiery destruction of Nadab and Abihu."
Genesis 22:2, "
“Take your son, your only son—yes, Isaac, whom you love so much—and go to the land of Moriah. Go and sacrifice him as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I will show you.”

My minister and I believe that it maybe a testing of faith coming up for someone. My daughter stated that she was not fearful but was a bit saddened by the lady in the dream because the woman had sacrifice her children. But I am still in prayer over this and waiting for a confirmation.
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Post by peggyo »

Hi Newbie: Kind of a different sort of a dream. Keep us posted on what happens, if anything, okay?
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven."

Post by Bella »

Thank you Keilani, Chrisy, Charys & Jen, your posts are exactly what I felt.

Christ is the perfect sacrifice and 'it is finished'.

I would also like to add that Paul tells us to rightly divide the Word. This is something that hasn't been taught much in church, but Newbie, we have to understand that we are under the New Covenant, not the old, and what that actually means. We need to know the heart of our Father.

Newbie, you need to be careful, because you can put your dreams out there and if enough people respond you can 'get your confirmation' from someone. It doesn't necessarily mean they are right in their interpretation.

The sight moderators have given you brilliant wisdom on this dream. Maybe have a re-read over it?
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Post by Newbie »

Thank you for your thoughts Bella, and I do have knowledge of what Jesus has done for us. I also know better than to take someone word as a sign of confirmation; I am well aware of that. However, sometimes when I post a dream it is not to get a confirmation but to get an underlying message from that dream. As I stated previously, this dream cause a certain degree of alarm. Many people in the Bible, who were dreamers or recive visions, became alarm at what they saw. I do not belive it was God's intention to scare them but to give them a visual and a message of what was happening. Once they got past the initial alarm, they were able to move forward. In essence, that is how I felt about this and other dreams that I have recieved in the past.
I am sorry if I am getting a bit longwinded here, but please bear with me for a moment. Several years ago, I recieved a dream that was so alarming and shocking to me, I assumed, as well as others that I was fellowshipping with, that it was of demonic origin. However, later on in my walk, it was reveal to me that this dream was not of demonic origin but this dream was revealing a truth about myself. This dream was God's way of showing me how He saw things in His eyes. The dream I got at that time entailed me molesting my children.
The majority of people from believers to non-believers alike, feel repulsed and harbor some kind of ill feelings towards child molesters. What God was showing me, that by allowing remnants of the "old man" that I was tainting my children and sending them a mix messsge that certain thing were acceptable where as other things were not. In other words, trying to rationalize my actions and ideas. An example of this could be what some call "white lies", lies with th intention of not hurting the feelings of others. Does this make sense?
These things were music, tv shows, interaction with certain people, being critical, etc... These things are part of the world and not of Him. He was showing me that as a parent and a member of the church, that unless I changed my ways that I will be held accountable for teaching and guiding my children in their walk. In other words, It would be better for me to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around my neck, than for me to cause my children to sin.
When I got this dream, I did not wanted to accept this initially, and was not looking at it with my spiritual eyes but looking at it with my natural eyes; I was in complete denial. God was revealing a truth about myself, not to condemn me but to admit to it and let Him guide me to work on it. Unfortunately, it took something this graphic in nature, to get my attention.
With this particuliar dream of my daughter, I guess what I am saying is that I am not looking for a confirmation of sorts, but to see if there is an underlying message that I am unaware of. Does this make sense? When I look at CButler's response, I get a better understanding of what is being conveyed. A few month ago, I felt that in other for me to get a better understanding of God's word, I have to get back to the basics, the original language of the bible. There are so many different translations of the bible out there, that if I pick up a different version of it bible, the meaning of the message gets lost in translation. I am making sense?
Recently, on this particuliar site in the prayer room, I had a situation involving binding up unclean spirits. I have been taught that we can bind and loose spirits. However, there are others with different views on this. Because of this, I feel that for the longest time, I have led others astray on this (my intentions were good but I could have cause harm to others). I had to go back to the original language, and get the true meaning of Jesus stating to Peter, that he could bind and loose. Now that I am meditating and reflecting over this, I believe this could be the underlying message of this dream. Right now I am still trying grasp when or who can bind up spirits; right now I am not going take someone intepretation on the matter, but I am seeking God on this one. Because I come to realize, that human emotions and feelings can cause someone to not see the overview big picture. Does this make sense?
To make all of those aware, of the sitaution, I ask God twice in prayer over the past few months, to give me a visual of the stories of the Bible. In essence I believe that He is answering my prayer, but He gave the vision of this to my daughter and she is telling me this, so I am made aware of it; hence the emotion I had yesterday. Once again I am sorry that this particuliar message is long winded, but I felt that it was necessary that all who is viewing this, can a get abetter understanding of my situation and my walk. I love you all and thanks for your warm and sincerest concerns.

God Bless
Last edited by Newbie on Thu Apr 14, 2011 8:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Newbie »

keilani wrote:This is my 12 year old daughter’s dream. The dream begins with an instruction from a “Voice”. My daughter stated that she knows that this voice is from God.

Voice: “You need to kill your two children now because everything in the bible is coming to past. Do not mourn over the death of your children or you will perish.”
Aloha Keilani, thank you for sincerest concerns. Now that I am reflecting over this, when I look at this particuliar quote I think the intended message is not killing my children in the natural but taking off the old man and putting on the "new man". Right now the Lord has been working with them and He is guiding them; however, the enemy is at play striking fear in both myself and them as well. In regards to me I am having moments when I am in doubt. I believe the Lord is telling me that I need to put away my human emotions, meaning do not mourn, and stay focus on the main thing. Which means I need to prepare them and guide them in their walk. Right now, there are some things that they are being exposed to because of the people they are coming in contact with at school. With my oldest, she is around peers that do not believe in God and worship other gods, attend paganistic churches, or live by certain creeds. Oftentimes, I find her trying rationalize to be the beliefs of certain paganistic religions.
My youngest, who is the sweetest thing, is being exposed to school peers who do not have knowledge of the goodness of God and His precious Son. She received a word of knowledge that she is to tell her schoolmates about Jesus and His love. However, because other children are not exposed or have been led astray, they attack my daughter with rude remarks. My daughter is somewhat sensitive and she becomes emotional; she feels that she has done something wrong, when in essence she has been told to do this from the Almighty. It is my responsiblity to guide her and her older sisters in this regards.
My middle child who had this dream, I am being led to believe that it is for her to have feelings of love and compassion towards others. This child is critical and, oftentimes, she does not show emotion and can be a bit egotistical. When she had this dream, I felt compelled to ask her, how did she feel about it. She stated she felt sad that the woman had to sacrifice her sisters. God is trying to show her that she must be led by love and compassion. So this is an area she really needs help in.
Once again thank you for your thoughts and wisdom.

Me ke aloha and God Bless
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Post by Newbie »

Jen wrote:Yes please know, even in the midst of a dire warning dream the Father never fills us with dread, but instead peace.. even in the midst of an urgency to intercede. The dread part is not from the Lord.
Seek Him on this dream. Perhaps it is symbolic and the enemy is coming in using your mothers instinct to fill you with dread to keep you from understanding the real meaning of this dream.

Shalom to you this night
Thank you Jen for your thoughts, I am just replying to each person personally on this dream. With the exception of CButler, 4Years and Pegyo, I believe that is a bit of confusion on reading the dream. The dream is my daughters; however, the sidenotes that are in blue and bold are my thoughts, not my daughters. This not the first instance in which I have receive a dream from the Lord, albeit myself or through my children, and felt a sense of dread or panic. In taking all of this in, the Lord is telling me that I should not be lead by human emotions because it is a hindrance. As of late, I find myself in doubt on certain situations or I may come across a fellow Christian that may have the best intentions on a situation and may make a comment in passing at being helpful; however, because they are not being led by the Spirit and (me still being a work in progress) once again not getting guidance from the Father on this matter, I find myself being led by emotions and feelings, instead of the Spirit. Once this comes into play, I drop the ball instead of completing the task. So in regards to Godly/Divine dreams vs demonic, sometimes we have to be careful of this. Because what we deem is dire or dread because of our feelings, the Father does not view it that way. For example, in the Book of Daniel 10:7, Daniel and others became fearful, Daniel even admitted to letting his emotions/feelings getting the best of him. We must take a breath and ask for wisdom, clarity, and discernment. This is not to say, that we are not capable of having a demonic dream; however, we have to stop and look at all the signs and symbols presented. In this case, I knew instantaneously, which passages that this came from.
As I was addressing this issue earlier to others, I had a revelation on why, this dream was presented and why. I reflected back on two specific occasions in prayer, in which I ask to see the Bible come to life before my eyes (think movie), in a profound way, this prayer was answered, no I did not have dream myself, but when it was revealed to me , it was as if I could visualize what my daughter saw.
The message from this is seven-fold for me. Thank you once again for your genuine concern on this matter and taking time out of your busy schedule to respond. May God continually bless you and use you as a vessel.
God Bless
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Post by Newbie »

Charys wrote: Where in scripture does Jesus promise dread? Nowhere! In fact he says over and over, "Fear not!"
Hello Chary's and thanks for your concern, I agree that He does not give us the spirit of fear. But I think, this is one of the many messages that is contained within this dream. The mother was told not mourn or she would perish. Originally, looking at it sent me in panic mode; however, the Lord has been talking to me on this for quite sometime during moments of reflection. Sometimes I find myself being lead by emotions or feelings. If I were to continually follow this path, I would have "perish in the Spirit" because I am being lead by things of the world and flesh "human emotions and feelings". The Lord wants me to feel how He feels, not how I feel; divine vs man. Does this make sense? My 2 daughters that were in the dream, are very emotional as well. The oldest feels the need to be validated by the thoughts of others. The youngest is very sensitive yet she is kind and loving. My middle daughter, the one who had the dream, she does not show emotion or she hides it; however, at times she is not caring of others she may have hurt. This is an area, that she needs to work on. Also, the death of the children means death of the flesh or taking off the old man and putting on the new man.
Charys wrote:The Old Testament stories were on the other side of the cross. We don't live there anymore.
This is an answer to a prayer, I had a while ago. I ask the Father, to let me see the bible come to life in a dream or vision. Although, my daughter recieved it, I could visualize it and get the desired effect of what some of our ancestors were feeling. This let me know, that I am not alone and others like myself have some kind of struggle they must deal with. I have to be honest with you, I am not on the level of Abraham. I can honestly say, my feelings would probaly take over that of faith. Does this make sense? I have heard many make the claim that could do what Abraham could do; however, this actually makes me ponder my limitations and admit to them. I can honestly say that I do not want to have my faith tested in this way. There is alot to be learned from the OT as well.
Charys wrote:No. This is not the voice of Jesus. We believe that if a dream or vision does not line up with scripture we toss it out.
During moments of reflection Chary, I have come to understood that dreams that I had receieved from the past, regardless of how scary it appeared to be, oftentimes were not demonic in nature. I have had dreams of nature; however, each and everytime, the Spirit move on my behalf. These dreams, that I assumed as well as others, that were vile were not demonic but it was God showing me what a particuliar sin, that may look harmless in the natural, looked like through that of His eyes. Or if I had a tendency to not properly guide my children, what it look like through that of His eyes. He showed me in an instance that I was spiritually molesting my children; not a good feeling at all. He was revealing a "truth" about myself. At that moment, I just came into Christ and I had a hard time hearing His voice; so since I could not effectively hear Him, He showed me better than He could tell me.
Charys wrote:You know, it might be very helpful to sit down and read all of 1 John with your daughter. In fact I think it would be a good time for all of us who post on TD to sit down and read 1 John. Praying for your sweet daughter and loving you to life,
Yes, I come in agreeance with you over this and your concern, kind words of encouragement, and love, comes at a time when I really needed it. You are blessing in disguise Chary.
Love you and God Bless