Three Columns of Smoke

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Three Columns of Smoke

Post by jer2911 »

I have a vision to share with you,

One day, I began my prayer time in the usual manner. I noticed that it was three in the afternoon.

I started with thanks, then praise, then petitions. I continued to pray like that until my heart had been poured out before God. When I had reached that point I felt like I had been praying for hours. Then I glanced over at my clock. I could see that it was eight minutes past three. I had only prayed eight minutes.

“Why that’s not enough!” I began to say when I heard a tremendous flap. It was extremely loud. It sounded like a very thick wool blanket being shaken out.

Next a complete scene opened up before me. I was suspended high up in the air. As I looked around me I could see three distinct thick columns of smoke. They were each separate and distinct of equal size (about the size of a large tree trunk.) As I looked I could see that they were spiraling upward.

As I remained hanging in the air, my attention was then drawn to the ground below me. I saw a field beneath me. It was large and had been planted with a crop. The crop was dry and there were long dry grasses or stalks of some kind. I could see that someone or something had flattened them all. The stalks lay flat on the ground and they made a pattern of swirls over the ground. They looked something like a crop circle. Unlike a crop circle where only a portion of the field has been flattened, the whole field was in this state.

From my vantage point I could only see a portion of the field – I was looking down at its southwest corner – the other parts of the field were out of my line of vision.

There were hedges that bordered the field all around. There were some places in the hedges that grew thick and lush and others that were more sparsely planted. The thickest part of the hedge lay in the southwest corner. Not only were there lush hedges in that place but also large deciduous trees, like elms or willows. I could only see a portion of the field, and those that surrounded it but I knew in my spirit that the state of the rest of the field was similar.

I could also see the fields of my neighbors to the south and to the west. They were butted up against my field and the fields of their neighbors as far as I could see across the valley.

I noticed that the farther out that the other fields were, they were sparse and unsheltered. The fields that were the farthest away had no hedges at all and there were no crops growing in them.

Then beyond my control my attention was diverted outward. To the south there were mountains and to the east there were more mountains. The mountains were not joined together at their corners as the fields were. There was a large gap between them in the southeast.

As I was taking all of it in I heard a voice speak out, “It is His due!”

Psalm 100:4, Psalm 118:27, Ecclesiastes 4:12, 2 Corinthians 13:14

I have my own thoughts regarding the vision but would welcome any thoughts you may have.
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Post by Blessings »

Wow, that was pretty amazing. I had thoughts of spiritual harvest. No idea why it was flattened though Unless it was already harvested. As in wheat harvest, the stalks would be flattened if the wheat was already harvested. Hedge-protection. Some were more protected than others. The three pillars-triune God? Just thoughts and a good way to bump you up to the front of the line.
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Thank you Blessings

Post by jer2911 »

Dear Blessings,

Thank-you for your sharing, I agree with you - I feel that this is definitely a spiritual representation.

I'm including my thoughts below - I was going to reply to you in a private message - but I just heard a lady on televison today say that there should be no private interpretations - she was talking about Biblical prophecy but I also believe that it was not just to be taken in the context she was speaking of. So that's the reason I've included the interpretaion below.

You wrote that the smoke possibly represented the triune God – I agree with you. Paul writes to the Corinthians, “ May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” 2 Cor. 13:8

I beleive that the fields represent what pertains to us in our lives, specifically our households and our work. The adjoining fields are those of our neighbors. Every single person’s lives are connected to a neighbor’s life – those things that belong to us are connected to the belongings of our neighbors. Our well being depends on each one of us and also on our neighbors. No one is independent.

You said that the crop may have already been harvested. I think so too.

I believe that the state of our crops depends on the state of our hedges. The well-kept hedge keeps out pests, animals, thieves, and robbers (Ez. 22: 30"…stand in the gap before me…”). Some of us have hedges in good repair. When we keep our hedges in good repair we are able to harvest the crops we plant.

There are others whose hedges have been broken through; the crops have been trampled on. Some have not seen a harvest due to the gaps in the hedges. We are also dependent on our neighbors. The condition of our fields and their fields are as a result of the condition of our mutual hedges. The Lord has commanded us to bear one another’s burdens. When we obey we are caring for our neighbor as well as ourselves. We are responsible not only for our own lives but also the lives of all those that come in contact with ours.

The valley represents the territory both geographically and physically in which we live and work. In Genesis, God commanded man to scatter over the face of the earth, to be fruitful and to multiply. He has also set a time and place for all of us to occupy. The place we are to inhabit is to be lived in and occupied not only in the physical realm but in the spiritual realm as well. The spiritual realm determines the state of our physical realm.

The prayer ascended in the form of smoke from a family altar (Psalm 118:27). The three columns of smoke - three aspects of prayer: thanks, praise (Psalm 100:4) and supplication.

Supplication asks in faith not only for our own well being but also for the well being of others (Ecclesiastes 4:12). The prayer itself is offered on our household altars built unto the Lord. As we make our offering to the Lord in the spirit the smoke ascends upward as incense to the Lord (Ex. 37:25).

There is a relationship between our altitude in the sky, the distance downward to the fields and the distance outward from our position in the sky. The columns of smoke not only represent elements of prayer and worship they also represent tent poles. They form a tent pole. As we raise this tent pole a covering is set over us. As the smoke rises upward from our prayer altar, we in the earth join with heaven to set up a tent over us.

There is a relationship between the distance outward from the field and our line of vision. As far as I could see I knew in the spirit that the prayer stretched outward to that point. That distance represented the borders of the tent and the area under it represents the shelter provided by it (the area of the tent). Psalm 16:6.

When we pray in the name of Jesus we set up a tent under His heaven. We’re covered in His mercy and grace, His atonement. When this occurs we not only are we blessed by His presence but His presence affects the lives of those we touch as well.

As I was meditating on this vision recently, I heard the Lord say, “Tabernacle” (Ex35:10-15). He says to us that when we pray in this way we are setting up a spiritual tabernacle over ourselves, our neighbors, and over the territory in which we live both spiritually and physically. The Lord responds in kind not only by releasing His blessings over us but by making His dwelling with us as well. Just as He said He would.

I looked up the meaning of due in Webster’s dictionary. The word due is defined as “immediate payment”. It is His due and it is only right that we should offer Him all the thanks and praise that we owe to Him every day. He loves us and has paid our debt in full and we owe a debt of gratitude to Him. When we pray to the Lord in the name of Jesus, according to His will and with faith that He hears us, then He will give what we ask for.

Lastly, we should never discount any prayer. Every prayer offered in faith, in His will and in His name is an acceptable offering made unto Him and it is answered. He wants us always to communicate to Him in heartfelt prayer and supplication. It is His due.

God bless and keep you

Post by talitha »

very good! thanks for posting this!
I was going to reply to you in a private message - but I just heard a lady on televison today say that there should be no private interpretations - she was talking about Biblical prophecy but I also believe that it was not just to be taken in the context she was speaking of.
This is actually a policy of TehillahDreams. We believe strongly in accountability.

blessings on you