Puppy Shooting

Archives for 2008

Puppy Shooting

Post by Joy2dream »

I was standing at at sliding glass door in my bedroom and looking out the back yard. I notice something moving in the bushes and a small black puppy comes out of the tall grass. Then several more dogs come out all different breeds and sizes. They seemed to range from small to large as they came from the tall weeds. Then a family appears from the weeds and they are carrying hunting rifles. A small boy around the age of 10ish is very near the sliding door and the small black puppy was right at the door. The father yells for the boy to "do it". The boy is hesitant and I then head to get the guns under my bed fearing that "do it" may mean harm to me and my family. Then the boy shoots the small black puppy in the back and kills it. I could tell he really was being pushed by his father to do this. I am pulling my shot guns from under the bed, there are 2 silver ones and they are the kind I have to screw the barrel on to the stock. I am trying to put the wrong barrel on the stock and toss the barrell back under the bed. My younger son is there and he is getting the other gun. Then this family is a the front door and we (son & I) have the guns for protection. That's all I can remember.

Shooting puppies really does stand out, especially in the back. :cry:

IRL we do have a shot gun that resembles this the one under the bed in the dream but it's not under the bed. (at the moment)

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Post by Blessings »

I feel that the puppies are innocent and loving. It seems to me a picture of nations where children are killing children not because they want to but because they are forced to. Even your son was handling a gun.
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Post by WaitingforHim »

:cry: That is sad Joy....seeing that I am a puppy kind of girl...

I don't know sis...but what came to mind was "behind the back" and also the threat of it not only killing the puppy but if it didn't it would be paralized...(spelling??) I too have been dreaming about doggies lately and not good ones either...

It seems that you guys are covered though..you have the weapons..and they are high powered at that...

Wondering if this is something the Lord is forewarning you about that is to come..something you will witness and the Lord is showing you that the boy who does it isn't in HIS right mind...but is being directed by the Dad or e. So you can pray more effectively...

just some thoughts sis..
love you,
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Post by Joy2dream »

I live in the South, lol even I have guns. So that wasn't in the dream a bad thing for me and son to be armed.

Be back later, still pondering.

Bless ya,
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Post by naveah »

I really didn't like this dream spiritually. As I read it again my Spirit began praying and I felt an urgency to interceed for our children.

the thought ran thru my mind as a call to pray for all our children in the school systems and home schooled. ( with them being in the back yard and close to the bedroom door.) If the enemy is trying to get close and intimate with our children while they are out in the world (weeds ). God is revealing the plot that the enemy is sending children to do his dirty work. I thought of the killing in the school systems. How children say the voices spoke to me or the saying that the world has been taught the devil made me do it. We KNOW this is a lie but the children of the world not of God do not unless we bring in the power of God (THE Gun of the HOLY SPIRIT) in this case I beleive intercession for children. Joy I see you son as a leader for his generation of the power of the Holy Spirit upon children.
And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.Isaiah 6:7

Post by jewel »


Here is my ten cents worth... toss if it doesn't bear witness.

I think the dream is a picture of how children are being raised to believe that abuse is okay, even considered "normal". They learn to use harsh words, stab one another in the back and are even encouraged to be agressive with innocent creatures by those that have been assigned to raise them (a father figure). These kids need to see what real love and acceptance is about..... anything fake won't do them any good at all.

BTW, I DO NOT believe that abuse only happens with hitting and such..... WORDS do plenty of damage that is often shrugged off as just part of life because everyone gets angry sometimes. Maybe you'll be running into a young man that acts "off" and the dream is trying to help you see why.... so that you don't judge him by his actions, but with understanding can protect yourself and your son but still help the young man in his time of need. Abuse is often a family secret, but the kids very rarely even know it is not right.


Post by Joy2dream »

Hmm, well some more things that stand out is the guns under the bed. They haven't been there since 9-11, they were there briefly just after that. Another thing is we were unprepared. The guns were silver (ours).

The little black puppy was in a playful crouching position his head and front paws down to the ground and his back parts and tail in the air with his long black tail wagging.

I'm just not sure about the interp yet. I didn't feel bad about getting our guns out but was in a hurry to get them assembled correctly.

Thanks guys let me know if you get anything else.


Post by talitha »

The only thing I keep thinking of is this:

Catch the foxes for us,
The little foxes that are ruining the vineyards,
While our vineyards are in blossom.

(Song of Solomon 2:15)


I haven't responded here because I can't figure this out - and exactly how this verse applies, I don't know.....


Post by Joy2dream »

:? :? :? - I usually have an idea of what the dream is about but not this time.

BTW I don't have any type door in my bedroom and the bedroom IRL is not on the ground level.

I do think the puppies, especially the small black one are innocent, all the dogs were to be hunted.

Tal - I haven't a clue how the verse goes with the dream. There isn't anything back there but an old dog house that is fenced in a wide area and the weeds.


Post by Nicolette »

Blessings wrote:I feel that the puppies are innocent and loving. It seems to me a picture of nations where children are killing children not because they want to but because they are forced to. Even your son was handling a gun.
That reminds me of the situation in Uganda where the kids are captured and forced to become soldiers and kill other children.

The puppies are black too, maybe there could be a connection? I don't know. That's a hard one to figure out for me.
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Post by gloryhis »

Hi Joy, Jesus bless you,

Tall weeds in the back yard, weed definition( A plant considered undesirable, unattractive, or troublesome). Perhaps something which needed to be cleared up from a past occurrence( back yard). The tall height of the weeds may be symbolic of obscuring , hidden, unspoken , forgotten, unchecked.

There is " breeding" going on though in this obscurity, symbolic of the new birth of a puppy and the differrent Breeds of other dogs. Seems to start out small, perhaps of no consequence at first, but increases, multiplies. Seems to be a variety of issues, some small ones and not so small, the different breeds may pertain to the differrent characteristics/consequenses of each .

You're observing this from your bedroom, now a family appears from the tall weeds. But not just any family, one who is looking for prey, hunters armed with powerful, dangerous weapons in hand ( which are most likely words) . Symbolicly, this family could be representing any number of groups, church, a real family, co workers, etc. . The ten year old doesn't have to be a child, but may be representing someone not as mature as the others , one easily led . Assistant or youth worker type.

He is persuaded, however hesitant to shoot the small, black puppy. I know all dogs are not bad in dreams, but this small black puppy to me coming from the tall weeds may not be a good thing , it seems innocent enough , but small puppies grow up into dogs. and I do feel it was black or a reason. Which may have to do with the small foxes verse.

Still I don't feel what the young boy did was justified, but rather awkwardly perhaps trying to help get rid of a small problem, by using far too much force . Being led by somone whose purpose seems to be to hunt for others problems. Prey on the vunerabilities of others, how vunearbale is a small puppy... I believe you said the family were hunting dogs.

You don't have to shoot a small puppy with a hunting rifle. Which may be the message in this, compassion and waiting until we are mature enough to minister to others. All who read what he did felt the same outrage I am sure and perhaps that is what God wants us to see and feel.

You don't have to kill the person you are witnessing to by condemning them for their faults or shortcomings or shooting them with all you have. over kill.

In the dream you didn't know the people's character, and so you weren't sure what they might do, even harm your family. so you go to get your silver guns. Silver may be about redemption ....from under the bed, they were "dis-assembled " and I feel that in the dream that is representative of not outwardly obvious to them at that time, however in a safe place under the bed.

The shooting( if it had taken place with your silver guns) I feel would have been words regarding redemption which could be used to defend your family in a spiritual sense.

Stock: 1.Personal reputation or status:
Confidence or credence:.
The trunk or main stem of a tree or another plant.
The raw material out of which something is made.The part of a rifle or shotgun that rests against the shooter's shoulder.

This may have been a reflective dream of past times?
The interpretation is not literal, but my attempts at what I sensed when reading it.

In Jesus love,
Jesus Is Lord!

Post by Joy2dream »


I am praying about your reply.
Without going into a lot of detail the dream may have been about a meeting I had last night.

Jesus Bless You Greatly,
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Post by Thethinker »

There are now three dreams posted in the last few days concerning a boy with a gun, see Dream Snippet and Little Boy Kills Me!. I have words for this board: Please pray! This could be very ominous, this might represent nations, Iran (the father here and the first attacker in Dream Snippet) and/or terror cells in the US or Europe (the little boy). I think it's way more than little boys shouldn't play with guns. Sorry to be so negative!! But it's what I am getting on this! Please pray for our enemies!

Heavenly Father please, please influence the leaders of these enemy nations and thier progeny! We ask that they put thier weapons down! We pray for peace. Shalom! In Jesus Name Amen.
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Post by WaitingforHim »

thank you and I sense in your spirit wisdom not doom and gloom. I will definately take this to prayer as I am the one that also posted the dream on the little boy killing...My mother in law had the dream...but I do believe the Lord is speaking to us...and I will meditate on it and pray for revelation to all of this...

Thank you for stepping out and obeying the Lord..
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Post by jewel »


I have to say thank you for stepping out also!! I've been feeling very similar about the dreams of shootings, father and son relationships.... in fact it has been something I wasn't sure how to say.

I too sensed very similar things, slightly different in that I was seeing it as a prayer to call out and expose hidden abuses in general.... but didn't have the guts to flat out say it and hadn't figured out how to handle my heart in the matter just yet.... Your MUCH braver than I am, but I did want to offer this small bit of confirmation.
