Not a lot of light (changed subject)

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Not a lot of light (changed subject)

Post by HisGift »

Had this dream right before waking from sleep this morning in the 5 am hour.

There was something going on in the beginning of the dream that upon waking I couldn't remember.

I was at a huge park or something that was outside, it was the middle of the afternoon but it wasn't light outside. Everything looked like it was about to get dark - as if it was that time of day; you know right as the sun is setting, but not completely dark.

I was sitting at a picnic table that was a booth style table like you would see in a restaurant, but it was outside. It was vibrant white. I sat on the right side of the table if you would be standing facing it. I was just looking out and watching the people and there were hundreds of people, many races.

It was as if they were playing a game that was serious, but I didn't get a violent feeling, but very competitive. Different groups competing against other groups and it was as if the competition was over food. I don't know if there was any food on my table but there were different items, which I can't recall.

I would sit there and these different groups would come by the table trying to get me to get up from the table and become involved in their competition. I wasn't interested it was as if I thought it was all silliness and couldn't understand why hundreds of people were competing with each other and doing back handed things to come out on top. I was also pregnant nine months and was having ocassional braxton hicks, or the beginning of labor pains. I could feel this as I was sleeping and have a distinct memory of grabbing my belly as I turned in the bed.

Time after time people would come by and try to get me to get up and I didn't feel like I was suppose to. I had some sort of body guard or guide that I didn't get a good look at who stood near the table, but not close enough to be intrusive and he never spoke. Was just there to watch over me... I understood this in the dream.

Then I had to urinate (don't know how else to say it) mixed with the labor pains it was building a lot of pressure on the bladder. I looked at the guide and got up from the table. The groups of people didn't even notice I was up as I was expecting them to take my table. I noticed as I got up I had on a white garment that flowed as I walked and my belly was huge as I knew it would be.

I walked across this park passing many trees and hundreds of people, with a lot of activity to the ladies room.

When I got in there the stalls were full with groups of women and it was like an ambush, but I wasn't afraid, but I couldn't use the restroom there was no where to go. So I walked out and as I did I noticed a woman that I knew in 8th grade. With her was her mom, and two daughters. They walked out and my attention was drawn to the youngest daughter who was dressed in all pink and it was like a spot light was on her. They were leaving her and I took her hand and we both were glowing, I in white and she in pink and I led her back to her family. Her Grandma asked the mother if she knew me and she just smiled and nodded her head yes.

I walked on and realized that I was carrying containers of food that I had the knowledge of preparing. I passed a group of women who obviously had been in a food fight as they had food all over them. They were being disciplined and I kept walking trying to hold on to this food... Which was falling out of my hands. My guide who I then got a look at, and recognized as a friend was by myside and caught one of the containers. He positioned them all in my arms in a way that steadied them and kept them from falling. I thought it strange that he didn't carry it for me, especially with my being pregnant and all. This woman who was one of the food fighters came up and asked me for a container of food. Saying that someone had taken her food and thrown it. I gave her a container of food explaining that it was fish.

At that moment a woman walked by eating some of the food that had previously belonged to this woman... I was walking back to my table now talking to my guide about some opportunities that I would be presented with. I was saying ok as I was looking down at the container of food and thinking how I was carrying so much and it wasn't falling to the ground. I thought impossible, but I looked up and saw the white booth, realizing I was getting closer to it and it was glowing, such a contrast to the darkness around me.

I was waking up as I was walking toward the booth staring at it.

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Post by HisGift »

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Posts: 473
Joined: Thu Mar 05, 2009 1:44 am

Post by HisGift »

Hmmmm now I get it!

Thank you Lord!