Prophet of God or False Prophet

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Prophet of God or False Prophet

Post by Newbie »

Hello all, I ask the Lord in prayer if a certain prophet is His or a false prophet and here is what I was given. I cannot recall the entire dream but will post what I recalled.
The prophet is exhorting a mass of people. We are in a building of sorts and I recalled the prophet was quoting 1 Corinthians 14:22, "So you see that speaking in tongues is a sign, not for believers, but for unbelievers. Prophecy, however, is for the benefit of believers, not unbelievers." But I want to add that many was weary of this pophet and began to even question 1 Cor. 14:22. I recalled that the prophet was warning everyone to brace themselves and stand firm because a powerful wave was coming. I recalled seeing this midnight blue wave of ocean/sea water that was about 50-100 feet high. It was as though this water was alive and could think almost or perhaps someone/something controlling it. Because the wave just stood there and it was like it was waiting for the prophet to stop talking. I recalled no sooner tht the prophet stop the wave came crashing down on everyone. Some remained and others were washed away.
I recalled being around the prophet listening and there was a scene in which either I or another woman ( I cannot recall clearly) was wearing a loose bra/swim top and the breast was exposed. The prophet was upset about the breast being exposed. There was more to tis dream but I cannot recall it. Thanks for any insight. I felt that dream spoke as them being one of His, but not sure.
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Post by ditte3 »

Dear Newbie,
Peace be with you.
Interesting dream.
What were your feelings, thoughts during the dream? What affect did it have on you? What was the lighting (bright, dark etc.)?
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Ditte it was daytime but we were all in this building. I t remind me of a building that is under construction, I felt fear with the huge wave that came crashing down. I recall feeling an attachment with prophet in that I did not like how others was antagonizing the prophet. I felt shame and badly after the breast scene. The prophet was scolding either me or the woman (I cannot recall this portion clearly).

Post by Elle »

Hi Newbie,

I would tend to think that this person is a real prophet.

Just wondering if it's important that you know whether this person is a real prophet or not? Are they someone you have a bit to do with?

I just know for myself, if I'm in a service and someone is preaching, I will usually get a sense, then and there whether I should take any notice of what the person is saying, or discern whether there's something wrong or not. And if I don't discern anything, I don't give it a second thought. One can spend a lot of time worrying/thinking about things that we don't need to spend time thinking about.

Also, if they call themselves a prophet, but you think they're off, then you need to think about whether you need to do something about it. Often you won't unless they're impacting you, your family or church.

But could they just be a believer who prophesys. We're all encouraged to prophesy.
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Elle, this is important to me in that I do not want to waste my time or listen to this prophet sermons in vain. This prophet is famous, so I do not have close contact or fellowship with them. I listen to their sermons and music.
I guess you can say that I can discern when something is or isn't from the Lord. But there are times in which I doubt myself on this, if this makes sense to you. With this person, I can feel the annointing but I also know when they are being "human". But sometimes some of the stuff they talk about, is beyond me because I have not experience the spiritual realm, etc... (well only once and that do not count b/c I was 10 ---the death angel was taking me Home).
I am not a baby Christian but I am not at the level I want to be on, like the great men and women in the Bible. The situation from a few weeks ago with the visiting "overseer" and my ex-church had me in a spiritual stupor and has bought about who is or who is not from Him. Unfortunately Elle, alot of people in the church is falling prey to this and when you tell them something, they look at you like you grew horns on your head.

Post by Elle »

Yes, I understand.

There was a TV person who I supported at first. They seemed OK, they had words of knowledge etc. But when I saw them in person at one of their 'crusades' I realised that they were not what I thought they were. Also, their teaching really started to go off, which I hadn't noticed earlier. So either I just hadn't noticed it, or they had started changing. I believe it was very much the latter, tho at first I think I overlooked some things because I didn't think they were important. I'm just so glad that God made it abundantly clear to me.

So, even if a person starts out OK, they can really go off track.

The other thing, is to not 'look up' to people but to remember that they're people and fallible. I have prayed many times over the years for God to give me discernment and the wisdom to know what to do with that discernment.

Also the Bible says that we see in part. So even if they're an extraordinary prophet, they still don't get the whole picture.

And prophets aren't necessarily going to be great teachers (as in the teaching gift), tho they're usually quite interesting.

I used to attend meetings regularly that were run by a prophet couple. They weren't very educated, which came through in their teaching, so it could be easy for some to not take a lot of notice. But they were still very accurate in their personal prophesying. I went away horrified one night when I realised that one of them had totally plagiarised someone else's work (I'd just finished reading the book they were obviously preaching from). Then I realised that they were possibly unaware that the book they were 'plagiarising' was where they gotten most of their sermon from. Gave her the benefit of the doubt!

I guess I also ask God a lot to show me what's going on (which is exactly what you've done).
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Post by Newbie »

Thanks for your testimony Elle. I ask God for this dream because this prophet had recieved a prophecy. Unfortunately, because I am in Europe, I am several hours ahead of of a revival that the prophet was at and I could not view it online. Well anyway, it was put out about a 12th shift. Because I did not get a chance to get the message, I was wondering what it was all about. The 1st thought that came to mind was divine governance: (1) my daughter dreamt of the time being 12am on her pc and then 7am or vice versa (2) we are coming up on 2012 (3) I feel that there is something in the air, a shift (4) the reocurring messages of time drawing to a close --from my dreams, on this site and from different pastors.
I wanted to be sure the word being put out is from Him and not that of a false prophet. No I have not heard the message yet, but I am sure I will get it from the Source soon.

Post by Elle »

Chuck Pierce is always interesting to learn from. I haven't read his stuff for quite a while, but he has an interesting understanding of movement in times. Especially because he has an understanding of Jewish timeframes.

I used to ask God - a lot - what are you doing now God. And He'd show me. Then I'd read Chuck's stuff and it would line up.

Also I find Kim Clement interesting. His stuff's a bit more vague (symbolic). But interesting. You tend to have to wait for events to pass and then go 'oh - there it is'.

Anyway, a couple of well-known prophets!
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Post by imavessel »

Funny thing you had that question in your heart or mind. I, too, for some time now, at least a year maybe longer had the same question regarding a "well known person".

& There seems to be no question that real "information" has come forth, . . .

That isn't quite it.

Just something that does not "sit right" ----maybe when I hear certain things or something . . . ?

But one thing I believe is that anytime our focus is on how to be in better position to be blessed, a gifting, any one aspect of God, be it healing or prophesy, money or anything . . . if these things become the focul point instead of HIM Himself, then something is askew at best.

I listen to alot of things while I work. It heps pass the time and it also gets Word in me as I sit for prolonged periods.

Quite some time ago, I had listened to 2 or 3 different things and listening to the very prophet I had question about, I suddenly felt almost angry, distraught.

I pushed my chair back and cried "God, is any of this even real???"

& I didn't mean God.

& He could have really read me the riot act. But He didn't.

He quietly said, "Do you have me?" - Yes- "Then that's all you need." (paraphrasing) & Then immediately in my mind He reminded me, . . .

That He came and He walked and taught and prayed ands showed Himself real, so that they might be able to come back into relationship with them,

So tha tthey could walk and teach and pray and He could show Himself real, so that others might be able to come into relationship with Him,

So that they would go and walk and teach and pray and He could show Himself real,

So that I might be able to go and walk with, talk with, pray with, so He could show Himself real, and that they might be able to come into relationship with Him . . .

He showed me the simplicity of the gospel. & At least for me, I still believe, that this is what He intended.

It isn't that there isn't gifts. There is. & I fully believe that we should use them at our utmost for His Highest.

It says that signs and wonders follow believers. & To be quite truthful, I don't seem to notice them as much as before, . . . but they do still happen.

There was a period that I was being "sent" to give a word here or there. & He still has me intercede for things, etc.

But that should never BE the focul point, otherwise, the tendancy is to think that if there are no bells and whistles and everything is terribly exciting, then it can't be God.

Too bad we cannot ask those men who walked their part the world, tired, hungry, probably dirty alot . . . if anything at all comes "easy".

Jeremiah sat in a cage because the majority didn't want to hear what he had to say.

Elijah sat by a brook and also in a cave, with queen ordered assassins lookig for him.

God provided but the road was never "easy".

Anyone ever really look at how Jesus operated? 1) His heart and attitude was inthe right place. That would take many of us out at the getgo . . . :) . . . . but He did walk and talk and friend people but generally when we see convergence, . . . . it's because He healed or cast out demons first . . .

And then the unbelieving masses "saw" and then their ears were much more ready to listen.

I've said a lot here and probably not especially helpful for what you asked.

All I can say is, when I asked, the Lord kinda made it known to me, that if I had Him, what did it matter? Kinda like, let Him worry about His own fishes---- or not. That all I needed to do is do what God calls me to do, which some has remained the same and sometimes some things are on a daily basis.

Ask for discernment but pray for whoever it is regardless. If you have prayer language, use it. Then it keeps us honest, . . . and less chance "we" or "what we think" will get in.

:) God bless you.
God isn't looking for perfect vessels, simply willing ones . . . :)
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Post by Newbie »

Thanks for your testimony as well Imavessel. It was helpful believe or not.
I do believe the dream to show me that this person is of Him. The only thing that is bugging me is the portion of the breast popping out the swim top/bra and the prophet's irritation about it. I do not have many dreams that encompassed nudity and this was a rarity. Any ideas on breast and the prophet's irritation? Thanks in advance.
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Post by imavessel »

Perhaps that something was/is exposed

& The prophet not being happy about it.

In my case, whether or not the particular person is or is not of, or is doing everything the way He would have---?????

But oddly enough, God ask me to send him money (which I had many times before.)

The timing just seemed odd, but I realized it was more about MY obedience to Him then it was about the Prophet at all.
God isn't looking for perfect vessels, simply willing ones . . . :)