Demonic attack

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Demonic attack

Post by wellstravisa »

I was very tired, and had been praying for a while. Just after falling asleep I went straight to dreaming. Not normal for me. In the dream I'm laying in bed with my baby, and I see another bed across from me I can sense a pure evil presence by the bed, as soon as I sense this I know it's going to try and intimidate me. I see wrinkled up sheet bunching up towards the end of the bed, then suddenly the whole mattress stands on end like it's trying to through it at me, at the same time it was trying to pull my daughter out of my arms. I rebuked it and the dream ended, when I awoke I rebuked it again.

This is the second dream I've had that was a physical attack in which I really felt the demon try and pull my daughter out of my arms. The dream before this, was many weeks ago. In that dream they tried to do the same thing, when I resisted they actually used the form of my wife to beat me over the head, and attack me.

Anyone have anything like this happen to them before? Any Spirit led insight would be appreciated
Job 33:14-18
For God does speak—now one way, now another—
though no one perceives it.
15 In a dream, in a vision of the night,
when deep sleep falls on people
as they slumber in their beds,
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Post by Robert2.0 »

I have had it happen to me before. It is definitly demonic in nature. Usually there is a door open for that demonic manifestation to take place. I am sure others will chime in a well. But this has been my experience.

Pray, pray, pray. I have also gone to the extent of playing praise and worship music through the night when I have had repeated episodes. I have never had an episode when Ive done this.

The LORD could be trying to get your attention about something and this would sure do it. Get Susan Riddle's book it explains just this in one chapter.
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Post by wellstravisa »

After I typed this dream out, I went back to sleep which is something I never do, but I current have a kidney stone and not be filling well. I laid back down and fell asleep. I had the following dream:

I'm watching the sky and see that kids, I think mine were playing video games in the night sky. It was like the black night sky was a back drop upon which the stars of the sky became white pixels I was kind of amazed about this. I then look down at my left hand I only had 2 and a half fingers on my hand, I was shocked by what I say. I looked up again, and then back down and both hands only had stubs for finger on them, I was really frightened by this I even closed my eyes and opened them again in hopes they would reappear. They didn't !! I was crying and asking why, then all of a sudden my fingers all reappeared, I was ecstatic. I was wondering why all this had happened and then I looked at my left hand and it had all these tattoos on it. The tattoos were demonic symbols of type, there was one particular one that looked like a ring with a elongated cross in the center of it. I wept when I saw my hands were covered in these tattoos. It seemed to me like my hands were what was involved in all this. Kind of like you had a hand in it. When I woke up I realized at some time I think that I had drawn something like that before. The overall tattoo I saw was the same as one I saw on the net one time.
Job 33:14-18
For God does speak—now one way, now another—
though no one perceives it.
15 In a dream, in a vision of the night,
when deep sleep falls on people
as they slumber in their beds,
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Wellstravista, I concur it is demonic activity and have experiences similiar to yours. I want to point out that the location of the attack is indicative of the enemy's is attacking you at.
As you you read with my dream a few weeks ago, I was strangled in my bed and in the bedroom area. Right now I am being attacked in my prayer life amongst other things. In the your dream, you were attacked in your bedroom and the bedroom can symbolize meditating, prayer, rest, drawing near Him/intimacy. Just like in your dream, my youngest daughter was in the bed sleeping next to me. My youngest is symbolic of my spirit man; perhaps your baby is your spirit man. That is why this demonic presence is attempting to snatch her. Your wife could be symbolic some aspect of church; perhaps religion. I also, want to point out your were hit on the head with her. Head can be symbolic of thoughts and mind, your position (always the head never the tail), just to name a few symbols. But I see this as something that is being beaten into your mind or an attack on your thought process; think mind games. These are just some things for your consideration. Toss if miss the mark and God bless!!!