Another tree dream and another journey

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Another tree dream and another journey

Post by justhisvessell »

I had a dream where my husband and I were riding in an old car don’t know what brand car but it was like a model from back in the 80’s. (Like what they dub as land yachts) we had a toddler maybe 2 or 3 in the car with us, I knew it was ours. (Side note: my baby making days are over)

We were in our home town (SN: population 1200 or so) heading to a specific destination. My husband takes a left turn (completely opposite of our destination) and says, “Let me show you something”, so he drove and drove making a total of 3 left turns on the way. The road went from asphalt, then eventually rock, then grass, then marshy. (SN: It seemed to be about 10-12 miles)

We pulled the car over and got out to walk further on for him to show me. He held the baby’s hand while we walked. We came to a place where the trees were. There were about 5-7 trees on one side and a tree standing by itself on the other. It had a lean-to against it. As soon as I walked over to that tree by itself, a vehicle full of guys came fishtailing (mudding) and stopped within a few feet of my husband and the baby. They all looked out and had a stare down. Kelvin (my husband) looked at them in authority and stood his ground, and then they left.

I felt I should stay behind the lean to so I wouldn’t be seen. I was exploring the contents left behind from what looked like someone had lived there (past tense) Then a 2nd vehicle approached, the drove up normally, did the same stare down. Kelvin now had the baby on his shoulders to keep it out of harm’s way. I still stayed in the lean-to looking out of a hole at what was going on, but felt the urgency to stay hidden, for safety sake.

They drove off without incident. I continued rummaging through the items and saw a big chain peeking through fallen leaves at the base of the tree. I began pulling the chain up, it was long. (I can remember thinking, “They are free, they broke free” with a joyful excitement)

Then I woke up.
Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere