Storm Coming???

Archives for 2012
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Storm Coming???

Post by Servantleader »

This morning I got two disturbing dreams. The first was centered in the house where I grew up as a child. I remember a severe and deadly storm approaching and I was preparing for it with my parents being present (they are deceased IRL). I was trying to close the windows in my folks bedroom (which was colored blue, a color that it hasn't been since childhoood), and the large fan that was in one of the windows fell out and onto the floor. I got a call from a friends mother who asked in a oddly friendly voice did I know a storm was coming.

I woke up and went back to sleep only to stay in the same dream or theme.

The next dream was also dark/cloudy. This dream had to do with me being in a bind of some kind, not sure what, or maybe I just assumed that. But no one in my family would help me - at all! In fact, my biggest supporter seemed to take great demonic joy in watching me become increasingly frustrated as I tried to navigate through some situations trying to go somewhere from her house or with her and my uncle. In fact, I found the blanket that I crocheted for her (IRL) spread out in a circle by the furnace.