Gold fish everywhere

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Gold fish everywhere

Post by bella »

Other weird dream of the morning

I was about to wash dishes. I ran the water and the sink filled up, only there was no plug in it yet.

The water filled to the top of the sink and I thought better get that plug in !!!!? I thought the water would be too hot, so I dropped the plug but it landed upside down. So had to put my hand in to turn it over before the water started running back out.

Put my hand in, but it was warm, not too hot.

Then the water seemed really murky. Dirty brown. So I put detergent in it and it start to come clear. Someone behind me (male, but invisible) said 'bleach'. So I started to put some bleach in, but then I noticed little gold fish swimming around. I didn't want to kill them with bleach.

Then there were more gold fish. Some larger. Then I realised there were gold fish all over the kitchen floor.

Then I started thinking 'God's sent a plague'.

I went to grab my phone for the camera. As I bent down to take a photo I saw large spiders. 3 of them.

There was something on my camera phone which was obstructing being able to take a photo. A picture like a kids story book map, kind of like Where's Wally only yellow/cream based.


IRL I would never think "God's sent a plague".
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Post by Warrior Princess »

I'm seeing this as a cleansing dream (dirty water, bleach). Are your finances being devoured (goldfish on the floor, water/supply running out)? I'm seeing the gold fish as a reference to the scripture where Jesus told the disciples to find gold coins in the fish's mouth to pay their taxes. Is there something he has been speaking about that he wants you to do (get the plug it to keep the supply from running out, lukewarm)? Or maybe a mindset (spider) that is preventing you from seeing (camera obstruction) what it is? Could the story book represent your mindset of how things should be? The "fairy tale?" That may be getting in the way of God's blessing for you?
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Post by theonlywan »

There's some dreams I feel I 'get' almost right away.. this is one of them.. hope it blesses & speaks to you:

Kitchen = place of preparation where you are serving & feeding others.
Washing dishes = helping to cleanse people (vessels) = the people are lukewarm, murky & unclear. The bleach represents the application of the blood of Jesus & the Word which cleanses us. Thinking you may kill the fish seems to mean you want to temper yourself so as not to be 'condemning or judgmental' in the purification process (some people turn into what I call 'Nazi Christians' and condemn people till they want nothing to do with God)
Goldfish = people of God - you'll be used to help cleanse & purify the people of God.
The goldfish on the floor would be on a type of 'foundation'.
Saying "God sent a plague" is translated into "God sent a harvest!" Seems there will be ALOT of people, and you may find this overwhelming.
There will be a point when sin/temptation comes along (spiders) and tries to thwart their progress.
The camera lens 'brings things into focus' and helps your vision & clarity on things... The Lord is going to give you 'directions' (map/wally) on how to locate & fix the problems!
" You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you: because he trusts in you " ~ Isaiah 26:3
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Post by bella »

Thank you both!

Isn't it amazing that one dream can bring 2 interpretation which are both so spot on for me.

The day before yesterday I had a moment of worry about my finances because I have a bit health insurance bill coming soon and I haven't worked since last November. I've been living off my savings.

WP, in terms of work, I've not been able to work out what God's directing me to.

TOW, I've had words for years about this sort of thing... ministry type stuff.
Seems there will be ALOT of people, and you may find this overwhelming.
I had a vision once of being in Africa (about the last place I'd want to go) and I was overwhelmed with little kids running at me and surrounding me. They were excited. I was just freaked out.
Thinking you may kill the fish seems to mean you want to temper yourself so as not to be 'condemning or judgmental' in the purification process
... this is something I'm aware of almost constantly as I try to communicate things to people. I'm not at all judgemental by nature, but I know I can come across as really direct, and people seem to read judgement in where there is none. So I work really hard, at times, at how I word things.

I've just hooked up with our local chapter of Habitat for Humanity and feel like I've finally clicked in with the place where I'm meant to be in terms of voluntary work.

Will be exciting to see what comes up next. I feel like yesterday was the end of a season and today the first day of something new. I have no idea what tho.
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Post by theonlywan »

Crackerjack... there are many of us in a 'waiting' season. Don't be discouraged re: not working ..I'm not either.. it's how He wants it

God is faithful to confirm His plans for us thru dreams & prophetic words so we will know we are on track.
God bless
" You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you: because he trusts in you " ~ Isaiah 26:3
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Post by underhiswing »

This dream is very similar to your other one that defines your fears of serving Him..."water too hot, too much bleach, too many fish needing help". These are common concerns among His children. ("not good enough", "not able to", "what if I mess up", "what if I can't handle the responsibility" kind of thinking) .

You will be unable to minister until you realize that it is not your abilities, your power, your stamina, nor your wisdom that will do it is He that calls you...and does it through you. Until your eyes move away from yourself and your abilities , to looking at "who" He is and His ability to work "through" you (as a fully yielded instrument... rooted and based in His love and trusting Him to do all)., you will stop short and your fears will block you.The human earthly "you" will never do it right, but God will do the impossible through you because He is the amazing I AM....and that is what He is telling you, because He wants you to partner with Him and serve as a conduit of His love.