strawberries, getting up, the store with keys

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strawberries, getting up, the store with keys

Post by sigmon2 »

Hi All , hope all are well today...
this dream was on Friday morning.......
it started with me and some others standing in front of a group of sitting people....I thought I knew a couple of folks sitting but unsure. there was a banner above us who were standing and in front of us was a table and each of us had something in front of us on the table. I still think I had a frying pan with fried strawberries on the table in front of me. they looked dark on one side and strawberry on the the other...I also wondered if it could have been chocolate but that may be more wishful thinking because of my like of chocolate....I woke up wondering why they were was a joyful time in the room, like it was an award or something that we were getting.......the scene changed to me walking from one place to another along a street, some detail but no action but walking.....then the scene changed again and now I was in a bedroom and had just woke up and had risen and was almost dressed. a person, young man came in and we started talking about me getting ready to move and the preperations to do so.....I could see through the wall or a very large window, I think the wall, the area I had walked in the last scene.
I was telling him all we had to do when the scene changed again to where we driving in a the car was now a was still early in the morning but not to early I would guess after 8 am only because of what happens now. We passed a store that was still closed and I knew it was not suppose to be.....the woman was in the front passenger seat and the young man was in the back seat. I pulled into the parking lot of the store and parked. We were talking about me moving and the woman asked me about it. I said that I could not go because still had to help my, this is fuzzy, DAD or Uncle and I could not leave him without any help. It was the right thing to do. I knew instantly that the store was an hour late opening already. As I got out I saw there were two cars waiting at the front doors to enter in the business. the landscaping was overgrown and not cared for....I got out of the car and started to move towarded the back of the building for an entrance.....I noticed I had one shoe on, right side and still had to put on the left shoe...but I wanted to open the doors for the people. I reached into my pocket and I had the keys to open the doors to the business. As I walked the woman faded from sight and the young man walked with me and then I saw a pen on the sidewalk that was next to the was a nice black ink writes nice....but it was highlighted in the dream with a whiter surrounding than other parts of the dream. Picked up the pen and kept walking to open the doors for the people to come I did the dream faded and I woke up...of course debating if this dream was one to pay attention too.......
I can tell you when it came to opening the store, I was passing it to go on my way but honor, and respect, and caring for my family in my heart would not let me pass by without doing what was needed. I would like to think this means something but.....I had a dream in 2007 that showed a place with lots of locks but i am unsure...the dream to me seems to say I have the keys to open the door.....if this is a spoken dream to me I sure do not see and keys!
see ya
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hi all

Post by sigmon2 »

Hey I was just thinking about a more recent dream the Uncle was being evicted from his trailer park home because he got into trouble with the that dream it seemed to imply that a church i know was in trouble for hoarding the blessings of the Lord...if true then, I wonder what is about to happen?
Waiting on the Lord in a Hurry
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Post by sigmon2 »

Hi had a wild strawberry dream.[/i]
Waiting on the Lord in a Hurry