Child visitation

Archived Dreams from 2015
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Child visitation

Post by Dreamer3315 »

My husband dreamed that he was in his company vehicle picking up his daughter. The house is in a huge field. The child starts running up to him. He remembers feeling like "I can't pick her up in this vehicle because I'll get fired"...IRL it is against company policy for him to have any passengers. So he embraces his daughter and tells her "I have to take you back to your mom"...He knew he would come right back and pick her up in his personal vehicle. End of dream.

IRL, he has not had visitation with his daughter for 5 years. When we first married the mother let us keep her every other weekend, but due to him not wanting to come inside her home and wait 30 minutes every time we would pick her up (mother would never have her ready at approved pickup time)...mother decides he couldn't visit anymore. We still pay child support/health insurance, etc and now can finally afford legal representation to get this resolved. We have been praying about when will be a good time to get this figured out and now he has this dream. I emailed an attorney today, but am pausing due to this dream. Please help!
At His Feet