Mice, Mom and Mike

Archived Dreams from 2015
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Mice, Mom and Mike

Post by lainey68 »

I had a dream, and usually my dreams come in parts, so I will describe in parts. Also, my daughter is an adult and she suffers from a severe mental illness.

Part I

I am in an auditorium. It's supposed to be my church, but it's not the actual building. A young man comes in. He goes to a cafeteria. I know he has a mental illness and that he is autistic (Please know I know autism and mental illness are different). I follow the boy because I want in some ways to protect him and help him. He sits in a room which I think may have been a janitor's closet--not sure. He wants to be alone. I ask him if I can help him--he tells me, 'Mo thank you ' and continues his meal. I leave.

Part II

Church service is over and I am coming out talking with Terry and his wife Cindy. It is winter and there is snow on the ground. They are the leaders of my small group. Another person who attends, Mike is with us. We are talking about mice (IRL, we have mice that get into our home and we can't figure out where they're coming from). So, Terry says 'We need some boric acid and uticaria'. Iwhen Terry says, 'uticaria', I know he is talking about an herb called uva ursi. In the dream, I picture the herb in my mind. Mike says, 'Oh, I know we have some, I saw it on the shelf.' Okay, IRL, I do have a small bit of uva ursi on my shelf. It is an herb that helps for some women issues. Mike has never been to my house, so he would not know what's on my shelves.

Part III

Mike and I are in the parking lot. He is saying goodbye and squeezes my arm above the elbow. I tell my mom to wait a minute. This part is confusing. I think Mike is telling me how to go another way to get home. The next thing I know, my mom has my daughter and my daughter is small (she is very obese). My daughter is wrapped in my mom's coat, which is a long, black, wool coat. My mom hops on a bicycle with my daughter. I start shouting after her, but she ignores me. Mike decides to help me and we are chasing after my mom. I am not sure if we're in a car or on bikes, but we are in some type of vehicle and moving very fast. My mom is on a back road (something she would NEVER do IRL) and just riding so fast. In reality, it is not my mom. This person was younger and lighter than my mother. No matter what we do, Mike and I cannot get my mother to stop or slow down. I am trying to tell her they're supposed to be in my car, that I am going to give them a ride. I see my daughter's head poke out of the top of my mom's coat. It reminds me of a kangaroo.

Part IV

I am at home, trying to tell my mom the dream above. Every time I say something, she interrupts me. It is so bad, I cannot finish. So I just stop. then I am at work. Cindy is there and I think she is asking donations for something. Then, someone comes by and gives me a 1990s phone, but it has a floppy disk drive. I set it on my desk to giveaway. There is some issue with this woman named Tammy who misunderstands something I'd done earlier. Tammy was a former co-worker. I tell her from now on, please ask me directly if she is not clear on something before snowballing it. She gives me a ' mea culpa' look. Then, the person who is supposed to pick up the donations comes in my office o pick up the phone--only now it's in a wooden box with shelves. I said, 'well. You can have the phone, but Nikki gave me the box', so I guess aI should keep it. The box is old it has Nikki's watch and a starfish on the box. the woman says she has to cut the phone line to get the phone out of the box. I shrug. Then, John, who is our building security officer comes by and we ask him to take the phone. IRL, Nikki is another co-worker, and we are kind of the only Christians, and the two outsiders. EOD

This is one of the craziest dreams I had. Wondering if it means anything or is it just I have too much on my mind? I do have concerns over my daughter, obviously and my mom because she has dementia and is slowly forgetting things. And I work with all women and there are some things annoying me. But, I am wondering about the first part if God is wanting me to move into a ministry that helps people with mental disabilities? The whole dream was weird because the town we were in is not the town my church is in, and the backroad looked familiar, but it wasn't. The ice on the ground was significant. I live in Maryland, so it's not really ich during winter. Trying to figure out the mice, and Terry's, Cindy's and Mike's signifance in the dream? Thanks. I know it's a dosie.
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Re: Mice, Mom and Mike

Post by lainey68 »

Forgot to say, uticaria is the medical term for hives. I don't know if uva ursi is poisonous to mice.
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Re: Mice, Mom and Mike

Post by lainey68 »
