Four Priest

Archived Dreams from 2015
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Four Priest

Post by peacefulsteph »

Recently, I dreamed about four priest discussing Philippians. I was driving two pastors around and they overheard two priest talking about Philippians. We were in a parking garage and the two pastors got out and into the car with the two priest to further discuss the book of Philippians. I don't know how but then there was a child in the scene that was with me. We got out of the car to walk over to the four men. When I turned around, my car had been towed. I got angry because the car was still running and I was in the area. I asked a couple ladies where my car was and they told me smiling. Then my car was driven back to me.

I couldn't quite figure this out but I did read Phil. 4 and it had some comforting words.