Hand Full Of Seeds...

Archived Dreams from 2015
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Hand Full Of Seeds...

Post by RevK »

I can't say this was a dream, more like a vision, yet I was asleep. It only lasted a milla sec.. I didn't notice colors (except for the seeds of course), saw nothing in the background. My hand was held out, I think it was my left one, not sure. It was filled to overflowing with golden seeds. And I heard they were 'people' and 'cattle' seeds..... It must mean something because I can't seem to shake it. Could use some help with this one, and I have been looking at some books I have to see if I can find interp to the dream, but nothing so far. Thanks so much! :D
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Re: Hand Full Of Seeds...

Post by PastorJKG »

Our seed according to the parable of the sower, is the word of God, which is able to win souls (People) and also favor from God in obedience to His word to be blessed spiritually and monetarily. Cattle and livestock speak of money and the ability to obtain wealth. In Biblical days, things like animals and goods were traded in barter. Money was used at times but most transactions were done through trading one thing for another. The left hand to me has always pointed to the spiritual, and right to the natural. Gold speaks of true wealth. The greatest wealth we will have in heaven is the souls who are there because of our witness. It sounds to me like a call to ministry. If you have already answered a call, perhaps it is a call to a different avenue or depth of ministry.
Hope this helps
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Re: Hand Full Of Seeds...

Post by bjcollin »

I had those same thoughts along the same lines as the last poster. Lots of spiritual blessings.
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Re: Hand Full Of Seeds...

Post by Starfire »

Within our tongue (or hands?) is the power of blessings and curses. I'd say you have an abundance of blessings to share with others.
Seed is spiritual, Seed is food...food for cattle, food for people. A never-ending continuum as long as all flows and nothing is allowed to stop
the flow---seeds of blessings (gold seed) that will feed the cycle of life/ eternal life?
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Re: Hand Full Of Seeds...

Post by jackiebauerle »

I must have read your post before now. When I came across it, I was wondering where my post on it was. I had diffident view of this dream. I realized after pondering that I was interrupted on my end before I got to do the post. If it is not to late, I will give you the points that came to me.

First, The left hand in the scripture studies that I have done represents Temporary assistance or helpmate. Lev. 14:15 - 18 describes how the left hand assited the right hand. It was the holder. Except in verse 18, the left over (the over flow extra) oil in the palm of the hand was put on the head by the left. Otherwise, we see in the scripture that the right side is a exalted spiritual side. Jesus sat on the right hand of the father. Disciples argued over who will sit on Jesus right hand. Ex. 29:20 Priest were anointed on the right side and etc... Job 37:7 talks about the Right Man (Hebrew word Vya...Adam). Right and left hand are a pair. God created in Pairs. If adam (Vya) is right, then Eve is Left. God delcared Eve as a Help mate. There is more but you see my stance on left and right. Right can also mean provision ...Cast the net...right side...abundance fish John 21:6. Where Matt. 6:3-4 says...do not let the left hand know what the right hand is doing...give in secret to the poor.

Second, Seed has been used as the word of God in the sower of the seed. It can also represent Harvest and the seed is taken out of the harvest. In Genesis 1:11 it says the property of a seed is to bring forth itself. " the seed was in itself. " It produces after its own kind. Note: all the seeds looked alike....however the voice said, "some of the seeds were people and some were cattle". A lot of color meanings biblical for Gold would say God's Glory and God's fire refining fire. Another Note: Seeds only bring new life after it dies first. So the uniform seed will have to die before the revealing of the new life of people or cattle.

Third, Hand held out. A hand stretch forth in the word of God a. Helping someone (Peter with the man at the gate...it was his right hand) b. Preparing thine heart Job 11:13(both hands) c. Offering Lev. 7:30 wave offering. (Both Hands) ...just examples

Fourth, 2 Corinthians 9:10New International Version (NIV)
10 Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.

Deuteronomy 15:10New International Version (NIV)
10 Give generously to them and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to.

Summary: If it was your left hand, I can see that you may not know what is happening. It represents you as a helpmate and serving. Since the dream specifically stated origin of the seeds, people and cattle. They looked the same, but some had spiritual value (people) and some had temporal value (cattle: value as assets, sacrifices and food, plowing). The seeds were overflowing meaning excess surplus of provision. This reminded me of the left hand palm with the extra oil was allowed to put the oil on the head in Lev. Therefore, I don't know if you are in a ministry or assisting a ministry, but to me....this speaks of you giving God everything you harvest (people and provisions) for an increase or change in your service. Since the other hand is not pictured, no further direction is given past the giving your harvest to him. Whether this is Real life now or calling you into it...only you can answer that.