Very important event

Archived Dreams from 2016
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Very important event

Post by BlueDreamer »

Hi everyone,

I had a strange dream last night. I don't remember all of it but I do remember a guy friend's mom was planning an event and she had it planned for July 31 for this year. The plans showed that I was seated at a table on the left side of the room. I remember her being very very excited. I wanted her to like me.

I was living at his house and staying in it. I remember being very close with his sister and he was very close with my mom.

How do you interpret dates? I think this is very significant. Not sure what it could mean.

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Re: Very important event

Post by Bree34 »

Hello blue dreamer,

First thing that came to mind is, yes this date is significant, but I don't think it's the date specifically as much as it is the process of planning for it as a whole if that makes sense. Sometimes we may be "set" on our plans for our lives down to the date, the hour, the minute the second not allowing room for God in our plans. But you were seated at the table for a reason, sometimes it can be difficult to say what the Lord gives us to say because we don't want to offend anyone. I feel this dream may be saying to speak boldly when the opportunity arises.

Just my thoughts please simply disregard if doesn't sit well.

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Re: Very important event

Post by BlueDreamer »

Thank you bree.

I understand part of what you're saying.

Are you saying I may need to focus on allowing God's timing for things?

I still don't understand why his family was so involved in my dream. I think it has to do with all of us together as I was observing as well as participating. But have had no revelation on it.

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Re: Very important event

Post by Bree34 »

"The plans showed that I was seated at a table on the left side of the room. I remember her being very very excited. I wanted her to like me."

Hi Blue,

Sorry I should have clarified, my thoughts were that maybe the Lord is showing you that you will be placed with an opportunity where you will feel lead to share something with her that may be difficult to say because you don't want to offend. The date being planned may be showing the upcoming opportunity or that she is concerned with her timing and not God's timing. Or...
Maybe it's not literally the woman in the dream, but representing an upcoming situation or event where you speak the truth in love,and the dream preparing you. The fact that you were concerned about being liked and noticing she was very excited is what sticks out to me because it makes me think of not wanting to offend.

Hope that helps :D
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Re: Very important event

Post by BlueDreamer »

Thanks bree. Like an event where I'll have a place at the table regarding her planning.

I thought it was odd being on the left side of the venue.

Any ideas what that is? It was significant to me.

Thanks everyone
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Re: Very important event

Post by Bree34 »

Hi Blue,

Why did that part stand out to you? I think that is significant in itself. I have things in my dreams that stand out to me like a certain song or place, but it is significant to me because of what it represents for me if that makes sense. I will pray for you re: this dream/revelation.
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Re: Very important event

Post by BlueDreamer »

My friend and I have discussed courtship. I met his family about a week after we had spent a whole day together. Nothing has been defined. I just thought it was strange I was on the left side of the venue.

When I woke up, I thought "oh gosh what side of a venue does a brides family sit on during a wedding" I looked it up and it said the left side.

I could absolutely be jumping to conclusions because of my own soulish feelings, but if you or anyone else receives revelation about it or feels it is interpreted wrong (which I think a lot of the time I may do), please say something.

He lives in another state. I'm just giving it to God and I keep getting dreams.

I have a couple dreams every night. I ask for help with interpretations for those in unsure of.
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Re: Very important event

Post by Starfire »

Dates are really something only the Lord can reveal. When I think of July 31st, I think "Mid summer" or the Summer season
or in two seasons from now. Now to God does that mean the next Spring/Summer or does it mean summer, but who knows WHEN
or does it simply mean not now, but a few seasons (or even years) away? Who knows. Also whether or not it means a wedding to this
man, well, again, if it were me, I'd ask God for many many more ways of relating the message He wants you to take from it so you don't get the wrong conclusion. Let Him know in prayer that you seek HIS WILL, even more than your own desires as that is absolutely the BEST for your life.
He's listening and loves you
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Re: Very important event

Post by BlueDreamer »

Thank you, starfire.

I have been wrapped up in relationships before pushing God aside and it's so important to me now that I don't do that. I really do want to follow God's will. Though, at this point, I think I know what God's will is. I just don't want my own desires to cloud the truth. 1. because it hurts the heart of God and myself and 2. because I've learned the importance of waiting for the Lord's will. He knows what is good for me.

I'll keep praying for His will and if anyone else has any opinion or insight, I'd appreciate a response. I do want anything run passed my spirit to see if it resonates. I am still waiting for His complete interpretation.
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Re: Very important event

Post by Starfire »

Given your response, BlueDreamer, I'd say that the Lord is assuring you that the time will come in due season and when it does, it will be a harmonious family integration (family members on both sides will get along) I also, however must caution you to not let your lonliness or desire to be married to get in the way of the true preparation for marriage. (In other words marriage is more about your relationship with God and who He has declared you to be and to become and then with someone of similar values and determination, together, building a life that is pleasing to the Lord). You're on the right path and it sounds from your dream as if the Lord is assuring you that it will come, not tomorrow, but not in the LONG distant future either. Whether or not that person is the man you are currently seeing, I cannot say. Only God can. But He has plans in mind for you that will come to fruition and will give you a much of what you long for. Rest in His Love, dear BlueDreamer. He wants only the very best for your life.
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Re: Very important event

Post by BlueDreamer »

Thank you Starfire.

Your words are encouraging. I understand the problems I have with relationships and only desire a marriage which can hold testimony for who God is and His relationship with the church.

I have been dealing a lot with doubts and bad dreams regarding this situation. I can only believe that the enemy sees what the Lord has planned and is trying to destroy it. I ask for prayers that the Lord's will be done in everything.


i wanted to add something. i decided to take the time to interpret this dream. i had just asked the Lord to reveal something to me today but brushed it off until a friend of mine who i was thinking about and hadn't talked to in a while messaged me. we discussed this dream and weren't sure.

I just want this to be a testimony to anyone who is confused about interpretation or losing faith in what they've been shown.


my dream was that i was close with my friend's family (named thomas). in the dream his mother was planning an event which would be on July 31st. she was very excited and she was happy. she had placed me on the left side of the venue facing the stage.

during this time, i was living at my friend's house with his mom and his sister. i was "staying" there (this was the word i used when i first wrote the dream). i had a bed on the floor.

thomas was there, but he was also not there. he was away.


God will mix things sometimes but will leave you with clues on how to figure out what he's saying. we must also pay attention to the fact that the jewish people are his people. those customs are of Him.


in jewish marriage tradition, the bride, after being betrothed to a man will go through a preparation or waiting time. after the man has come to the agreement with the woman's father, he will ask for a hand in marriage and leave her for a year to prepare and add to his family's house so she can come live with them.

my friend and me are christians. we switch to christian traditions too. in a christian wedding, the bride stands at the left side of a venue. parents will also be involved in the planning period of a wedding.

the bed on the floor where i sat was me awaiting the final place of rest. the union.

this is a neat dream. i do believe the date is a specific date of which we'll start a true courtship or become engaged. it's quick but i've already had that "i just know" feeling (which is complete and total peace and zero doubt btw). and i do believe we're in an advancing time.


how COOL is God??! that He uses symbolism like this to share not only our futures but His desire to have an intimate relationship with us? i was reading these customs found here: ... ustoms.htm and just thinking about how much He loves us. He's going to come and shout for us. While the bridegroom waits for the Groom in anticipation, she prepares herself for complete union with the Groom. He even gathers those He's close with to celebrate in the union of His bride.

Oh He loves the church so much. The very premise of Him chasing after our hearts is such a beautiful thing.

Anyway, just wanted to share how specific God is and how He's willing to reveal His heart in literally EVERY aspect of our lives.

this is also apart of the interpretation of my other dream about the white couch and my period. it also reflects a waiting time period of where i prepare and make sure things are pure for the white white couch (friendship) that turns into a bed (intimacy).