Lovely house and ants

Archived Dreams from 2016
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Lovely house and ants

Post by bella »


I was in an old house. A style of house that's particular to my state. Each room was spectacularly decorated in a traditional style. Very elegant. The house had built in verandahs all around and the verandahs were sectioned off to create rooms. The rooms had beds and single chairs and lovely furnishings and extravagant chandeliers or light fixtures. Each room seemed to have a different colour theme.

I believe I was allocated a room, and I walked into another room and it appeared to be allocated to someone else. A male. I was having a conversation with this male, but I don't remember the detail now.

I then proceeded around this house, literally, around the wrap around verandahs that were turned into rooms. I walked through a series of joined rooms. There were windows to the outside of the house as well as into the internal rooms and hallways. I came through one room and decided it was my favourite. It was on the opposite side of the house to the room that had been allocated to me.

Then I came to a doorway leading to the outside of the house - the side entrance/exit.

There was a cement path, leading to a small building, maybe a hut or a shed, outside. My aunty was out there, gardening I think. I walked towards her, but saw ants on the path, so I stopped. I had bare feet and didn't want to get stung. But then I lifted my foot and saw the underneath, around my toes, had a number of ants on it. And they were large black ants, ants that bite. I was pondering how to get them off from under my toes and ball of my foot without them biting me. I thought if I start brushing them off, they're sure to bite and I knew the sting would be painful.

My aunt's name is Marion. I believe it's a play on the word "marrying".


I looked up different types of ants, and the only one that looks like the ones in my dream are Carpenter Ants.
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Re: Lovely house and ants

Post by A Warrior's Heart »

Seems ants are the thing these days in dreams :D
I see the house representing 'a beautiful life.' I also believe it represents a great bounty or abundance. I'm wondering if you were able to remember how you felt when you went through the doorway. Was it curiosity that made you want to go out the door. That part of the dream could mean "going off track." Sometimes the things that pique our curiosity aren't necessarily meant for us to explore. When we give in to whatever it is ...maybe it's simple curiosity or just wondering what it would be like. Take for instance the serpent in garden tempting Eve. The curiosity or that wonder for something that might not be meant for us can be to our detriment. In this case you meant up with the ants (argh..I know how this feels). They were on your feet so I feel it may be about petty annoyances/irritants that could affect one's walk.

The gyst of it all as I see: being abundantly blessed with great bounty but simple curiosity causing one to want to know more or explore further. This wanting to know more may lead to a place of unease where the effect is not too positive to one's walk.

Also, I looked and saw that Marion means 'rebellion'

I believe the ants I saw in my dream were carpenter ants as well.

Definitely of the black sort!
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Re: Lovely house and ants

Post by bella »


Thanks for replying. Yes I thought it was bizarre to dream about ants straight after your dream. And I suspect I've had that symbol in my dream because it somehow reflects your experience with Thomas. Not sure entirely what it is, but i'm sure if we compared notes, we'd find some similarities.

I did look up the meaning of Marion, but before I did the and I was wondering about the dream, I immediately thought "marrying".

Re you question of how i felt about the path, I don't recall any particular feeling. I do recall that where the doorway was, it was if I was supposed to go that way. The rest of the verandah rooms just sort of faded out of the dream in a grey blur. Outside the door was sunny. The path was clean and white cement. My focus was on going to speak to my lovely aunt.

I do agree though about the ants "affecting my walk". I didn't know they were there until I lifted my right foot to look.
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Re: Lovely house and ants

Post by rarara »

Hi Bella

When I read this I keep thinking of the tent in The OT which was extended . “Enlarge the place of your tent” in Isaiah 54.

On a personal scale this house could be both your heart and your life. Just as our physical heart has chambers, our lives/ hearts have rooms and these rooms are for love in one way or another, as far as I understand it.

Verandas are the edges of the house and are seen so could be about beauty and desires or just “more” and that you will walk through the fulfilment of these.

A cement path speaks to me of a man made way and ants to me are work. Cement is hard, instant and not particularly beautiful. Big Carpenter ants could represent labour getting in the way of what you want. Toes I’m not sure of but feet are to do with our peace, beauty and Good News. But toes help us to balance in the natural.

Going back to the room with the male. Maybe this is a picture of your heart with already a prepared place for someone else.
So maybe it is about marriage.

Love rarara
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Re: Lovely house and ants

Post by bella »

Thanks Rarara. Your interp really touched me, because it highlighted to me a romanticism that I hadn't picked up before. And just today I was pondering how really, I am a romantic, but had always thought I wasn't, and that I was just pragmatic.

You are correct about the place being prepared for a man, in my heart. Again just today, I realised that I am truly ready to get married. Something in me has changed and I can picture sharing my life with someone else. I mean really getting to this point, not just a "yeah sure I'd like to be married" kind of attitude. It's taken quite a while to get to this point.

I couldn't work out what the carpenter ants were about. I understand your interp, but haven't been able to apply it yet. Feels like there's some sort of veil and I can't see it yet.

Thank you XX
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Re: Lovely house and ants

Post by rarara »

It's so lovely to hear this. Can't wait to see what happens! :D

Thought again about the cement path which led to Marion. Maybe the cement path is indeed a good symbol and just means this path is already set before you. As in set in stone or something concrete.

Yes the ants are a mystery but they seem to represent a potential problem.

Garden or gardening is probably an important symbol too along with the garden shed.

x :) x
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Re: Lovely house and ants

Post by bella »

I can't wait to see what happens too :D

Yes, I think the cement path is a good thing because in the dream it jumped out as lovely. Really clean, no stains on it, nice colour. Very white. I hadn't twigged that it could represent "cement" or "concrete" as in something that was a surety. It was a "perfect path" so to speak.

Thank you again
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Re: Lovely house and ants

Post by A Warrior's Heart »

bella wrote:Hi AWH,

Thanks for replying. Yes I thought it was bizarre to dream about ants straight after your dream. And I suspect I've had that symbol in my dream because it somehow reflects your experience with Thomas. Not sure entirely what it is, but i'm sure if we compared notes, we'd find some similarities.

I did look up the meaning of Marion, but before I did the and I was wondering about the dream, I immediately thought "marrying".

Re you question of how i felt about the path, I don't recall any particular feeling. I do recall that where the doorway was, it was if I was supposed to go that way. The rest of the verandah rooms just sort of faded out of the dream in a grey blur. Outside the door was sunny. The path was clean and white cement. My focus was on going to speak to my lovely aunt.

I do agree though about the ants "affecting my walk". I didn't know they were there until I lifted my right foot to look.

Yes I do feel that the symbolism of the ants may have similar meanings to the ones in my dream. The ants were on your toes and in mine, they were on my picture but the amount was astounding and a little creepy as I picture it in my head. Your dream definitely seems promising as there was a beautiful house with many rooms in it. It seems like this could be synonymous with having many options but ultimately there is one that is just right for you. You chose your favorite room!! : ) I see that you feel strongly that yours is about marriage which it probably is. I think people who have the dreams are the best interpreters for the dream if they have the ability to. Okay.. I understand you don't remember feeling anyway walking out onto the path. White cement could mean "pure or right path to take."
"The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of our God stands forever." Is 40:8