wolves/guitar makeover/hay field

Archived Dreams from 2016
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wolves/guitar makeover/hay field

Post by spiritledd »

i saw 5-6 wolves ... i was close to our old neighbors house where i grew up Clem Lyons ...then there were more pretty soon there were 50 or more ...i thought i was toast fer sure ..they closed in for the kill, but stood my ground and actually called one over to me and i petted it ...heard holy Spirit say something about mom and heard and leader ...i went inside of Lyons ol house and guy was sleeping a couple wolves got inside ...i went back outside and saw guys were running for their guns to shoot wolves

saw Ryan Bruce a (You Tube guitar guru) ...i asked does this speaker sound out of phase ...then he played my guitar, i knew he would think my tone was outstanding, then he worked on my guitar, and changed where front strap connected to the headstock

i was looking over a hay field and there was one swath made ...then i was flying low through hay grass like a swather (hay cutter) ...but it was not being cut ...their were yellow blooms on hay and hay dewy heard... "purple and gold"